~107~ Prank Wars

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Ellie's POV

Before Liam and Savannah moved out, I was bumming one day. He only had a week left with us and I was sad. I suddenly got a brilliant idea. Liam is about to jump in the shower.

"Taylor, do you love me?" I ask, coming up to him on the couch. I bend down and put my knees on the floor, and put my hands together, begging. I lean into his knees and give him my best pouty face.

"What do you want, Eleanor?" He chuckles.

"I know that you do not enjoy pranks, but Taylor Reed, I do and you knew that when you married me.
Please Please Please stoop down to my level just this once. Please come join the dark side" I beg.

He laughs loudly. "What are you wanting to do?" He asks.

"I want you to show me how to shut off the hot water downstairs. Liam just jumped in the shower.
Please" I say, still begging.

He thinks about that for a second. "I don't know if I want to do that. That might bite me in the ass down the road" he chuckles.

I hold my right hand up. "I, Eleanor Jane Freeman Preston, solemnly swear that I will never turn the hot water off on you. If I do, may my pranking days be forever over" I say, keeping the amusement off of my face.

Taylor snorts and shakes his head. "I will come over to the dark side just this once, because I think it will be hilarious. Do not throw me under the bus for this, young lady" he says sternly.

"Yes sir" I say, saluting him.

"Well let's hurry. He doesn't take long showers" he says, standing me up and smacking my butt.

We rush downstairs and he finds the pipe he needs and turns it off.

We go upstairs quickly and wait innocently in the living room.

Suddenly we hear Liam scream.

I immediately start chuckling. He comes down the stairs with a towel wrapped around him, and soap still in his hair, dripping.

"Mom, the hot water heater must be broke. The water is icy. What the heck am I going to do?" He asks, disgusted.

"It's just cold water. Suck it up, buttercup" I say, acting annoyed.

He looks at me. "Do you know how cold that water is?" He asks, getting frustrated.

"What do you want me to do. I can't fix a pipe" I say

"Fantastic. I'll go run next door" he says, holding his towel tighter.

"In your towel?" I ask

"Yup! Let the rest of the neighbors see what they've got to look forward too" he says as he goes out the door.

Taylor and I are howling. "I'm going to go turn it back on and tell Sasha to get in the shower" he chuckles.

He goes down and turns it back on.

"Hey Sash!" He yells up the stairs.

"Yeah?" She asks, coming down a minute later.

"Have you had a shower yet this morning?" He asks her.

She gives him a funny look. He hasn't kept tabs on her hygiene since she was little.

"Um, no. Not yet" she says, a little annoyed.

He chuckles again. "Will you please go take one? Mom pranked Liam, and it's going to be funny when he gets back and the shower is working. Take a long one, will ya?" He asks with a smirk.

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