~104~ Forgiveness

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Ellie's POV

Once we got his toxicology report back and it was determined that he did have AAS in his system, we had them keep him overnight for observation. Taylor still kept him away from us for several more days, but then he decided that he was ok with him being around us.

Once Taylor told him that his restrictions were lifted, Luke came right over to me and gave me a huge hug. He held me for several minutes. "I will never forgive myself. I'm so, so sorry" he says, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Forgive yourself, Lucas. I have" I say, kissing him back.

Then he goes over to Emma and hugs her tight. "Missed you" He says, kissing her cheek.

"Missed you too" she says, wiping a tear from her cheek.

Then he walks over to Sasha. "I'm sorry, Sash" he says, hugging and kissing her. Sasha still isn't completely over it. Seeing all of that terrified her.

"I won't ever hurt you" he says once he sees her face. She just nods and gives him a small smile.

"Liam, can I play with Savannah?" he asks  nervously.

Liam looks at him hard for a second. "That's up to her" he says with a smile.

Luke smiles big and bends down to her level. "Wanna play Barbies, Savvy?" He asks, nervous.

She smiles big and gives him a huge hug. "Daddy's still awful at voices. I missed your voices" she says, kissing his cheek.

Luke smiles big and hugs her tight. "I love you" he says, kissing her back.

"Love you too" she says, pulling him up to standing.

Now that the drama with Luke is over, it's very obvious that Taylor and I still have a big problem. He's civil to me, but that's about it. He hasn't called me Ellie Jane in weeks. I never realized how much that nickname meant to me. He hasn't kissed me since this all happened either. I've kissed him, but he hasn't willingly kissed me first.

Tonight after we're in our room, I try to fix it. I lean into him and start kissing him deeply. Normally that's all it takes.

"I'm not in the mood" he says, scooting away from me and getting on his phone.

"You're seriously this upset with me? It's been weeks" I say, getting frustrated.

"I know how long it's been" he says darkly.

"Then snap out of it already" I say, annoyed.

He looks up from his phone and glares at me. "You really don't get it, do you? You lied to me. It wasn't just some small white lie, either. You lied. Over and over and over. You asked my daughter to lie to me. Would you have ever told me the truth?" He asks me, seriously.

"No" I tell him.

He chuckles darkly. "That's the first time you've answered me honestly in weeks" he says as he rolls over and shuts off the light.

"Shift is tomorrow. Thought we said you wouldn't go to shift when we're mad at each other" I say sadly.

"I'm not mad" he says quietly.

"Yes you are" I say as I get up and go downstairs. I don't feel like lying there while both of us pretend to be sleeping.

I kinda figured that he would come downstairs. He doesn't. I stay down there for about an hour, until I'm sure he's fallen asleep. When I climb back in bed, I'm 100 percent positive that he's still awake. His breathing is off. Normally he's snoring softly by now. He even stiffens his back when I lay down. He was waiting for me to come back to bed.

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