~194~ Person

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Taylor's POV

I'm sitting here watching TV with Ellie, enjoying the moment alone. We get so little alone time anymore. I love the crazy, but I also crave the simple...The silence with my girl.

I turned on I Love Lucy for her. She never gets to watch it anymore. I will never admit this to Ellie, but I actually like it. I never minded it from the beginning, but I was still a tough Lieutenant who had an image to maintain, so I acted like I couldn't stand it. Liam was never acting. He still to this day can't stomach the show. Through the years I've actually grown to like it. I can recite most episodes by heart. Sometimes I'm the one who actually wants to watch it, yet I make it seem like I'm doing it for her.

Sometimes I wonder if she sees right through me.

We're watching the episode where Lucy gets herself locked in a freezer, and I'm trying not to chuckle. It's about 8pm, and suddenly there's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" I say, kissing her hair. I know it's not any of our "people" because they never knock. Liam, Alex, Wes, and the crew just walk in. That's how I want it. I want the comfort of them knowing that the door is never shut to them.

When I answer the door, however, I immediately want to shut the door. The door is shut to her, and it's shut tight.

"Get out of here" I say darkly.

I can hear Ellie stand up and walk over. She is concerned by my tone.

I put myself in front, so Ellie can't come around me.

"Leave now" I spit.

"She's here, isn't she?"

"Not to you she isn't. I'm not telling you again" I say, trying to shut the door.

This crazy person has wedged herself in so I can't get the door to shut without hurting her.

Suddenly I hear Ellie gasp and my heart sinks. She sees her. She sees her mom.

"Ellie!" Eliza say, trying not to cry.

It's too late, Ellie has seen her...So I step to the side so Ellie can decide what she wants to do.

Ellie just stands there, silently glaring at her mom.

Her mom starts to cry, and starts to walk towards Ellie.

"I'm warning you now. I don't care that you are a woman. You take one more step towards my wife and I will pick you up, carry you to your car, and throw you in it" I say. I'm not kidding. I've never wanted to truly hit a woman...Not until right now.

Suddenly I see Alex coming out of his house. He must have seen the commotion and is coming to help.

He rushes over and stands right behind Ellie's mom.

"Leave now, Eliza, before I arrest you for trespassing" Alex says. I don't know if I've ever heard Alex so...Scary...before.

Eliza is startled. She had no idea anyone was behind her.

"Alex?!?" She says, completely shocked. "Man you grew up absolutely beautifully" she says, walking towards him a little.

"Leave. Now....it is, after all, what you're best at" he hisses.

She turns and looks at Ellie again. Ellie still hasn't said a word. She hasn't moved a muscle.

"I needed to make sure you were ok. I heard about the fire. I watched Taylor on TV. I saw Jake's gym. I needed to make sure you were ok" she says softly.

Ellie finally reacts. She chuckles darkly and shakes her head.

"After all these years, now you want to make sure I'm ok?" She snaps.

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