~130~ Dinner

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Sasha's POV

We're getting ready to go over to mom and dads and I'm nervous. I'm not nearly as nervous as Mason is though. "Sash, what do I wear?" He asks, after changing his shirt for the third time.

"Dress pants and a button down shirt" I say, keeping a straight face.

"Really?" He asks, surprised.

"No, you ding dong. You look fine" I say, kissing him softly.

He chuckles and shakes his head. "I feel like I'm going to throw up" he says, taking a deep breath.

"What are you the most worried about?" I ask, hugging him tight.

"Your dad. I'm sorry, but he's scary" he says, shaking his head.

"He won't be mean. This is too important to mom" I say, kissing him again.

He just nods his head.

"You know, we've got a few minutes" I say as I start to lift up his shirt.

"Oh no you don't. I'm nervous enough. I'm not about to look your dad in the eye after I just had sex with his daughter" he says seriously.

I just laugh. He really does look like he's going to throw up.

We drive to the house in silence. He grabs my hand and squeezes it. His hand is shaking.

When we get there we pull in and he takes a deep breath. "Its going to be fine" I say, giving him another kiss.

He nods and looks at me. "Can you just put yourself in my shoes for a second? Your mom is my coworker. Your brother and sister are my students. Your dad cracked my rib and absolutely hates me. I'm nervous, Sasha" he says gently. He wasn't being snippy...He's terrified.

"Thank you for doing this for me" I say simply.

He gives me a small smile and kisses my forehead. "Let's go" he says.
Taylor's POV

Ellie has been working like crazy all day getting everything to her standards. She even baked Sasha's favorite dessert...Apple pie.

I'm not nervous, but I'm dreading seeing him. I want to kill him every time I see him. Now I'm inviting him into my house? What kind of a man does that? Who would allow that? A chump, that's who. A damn chump who always lets the women in his life control him. A man does crazy things when he doesn't get sex for three months.

They're supposed to be here in twenty minutes, and Nora and Ellie are working on the last minute things.

"Ellie, can I set the table?" Nora asks. Nora is fitting in so well with this family. Ellie absolutely adores her.

"That would be great, Nora. Thanks" she says with a smile.

Luke comes down the stairs with an attitude. "I don't understand why you're making such a huge deal about this. She's the one who threw a hissy fit and left. Now we have to have a huge celebration that the favorite child has returned? I don't even like apple pie" Luke spits.

"First of all, I have never actually admitted that Sasha was my favorite" Ellie says with a teasing smile.

"Second, I made chocolate lush for you and Emma. And third...I'm not kidding when I say that you better be perfect tonight. Otherwise you're getting paddled once they leave. Hear me young man?" She asks him darkly.

"Actually, I should be asking you that too" she says as she glares at me. I hold my hands up in mock surrender. "Ellie Jane, I'm the one who invited them, remember?" I ask, smiling at her.

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