~100~ Crossing Boundaries

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Ellie's POV

I get to lunch and everyone is quiet when I sit down. They're all staring at me.

"Ellie, did Taylor do this to you?" Missy asks me bluntly. That made me mad.

"No. He and Liam were on shift last night. He wasn't even home" I snap.

"Did he see you this morning?" She asks.

"Briefly" I say, taking a drink of my soda.

Luke walks by and ignores me. Mason, Lance, and Nick all stare at him.

"You sure he didn't do that to you?" Lance asks darkly.

"Lance, I'm clumsy. I was running down the stairs in my socks and I tripped on the second stair. I smashed my side and back up first, and then hit my face on the hand rail" I say, trying to lie.

I see Nick shake his head in frustration. It's obvious this isn't a bruise from a fall. I know that. I don't know what else to do.

Lance drops it, but he's pissed.
Sasha's POV

I watch everyone stare at mom at lunch. The teachers all know something else is up. I feel sick. I don't want to betray mom, but I cannot let Luke get away with this.

Mom leaves early. She must be sick of everyone drilling her.

As I get up to throw my food away, Principal Mills stops me. "Sasha, if something is going on at home, I truly hope that you would be comfortable telling one of us about it."

I just nod and walk away. I'm not betraying mom. She always does everything for me. I can't do that to her.

I'm feeling sick all day. Every time I pass mom and see her, I start to cry. As I'm walking to the art room, before I know what I'm doing, I turn into Mason's room. It's his free period. As soon as he sees me he's uncomfortable. He doesn't send me away though, which surprises me.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I ask as I get up to his desk.

Mason just nods.

I take a deep breath as a tear falls down my cheek. "Mom lied. She didn't fall down the stairs" I say, as more tears fall down.

Anger flashes across his face as he nods. "Luke?" He asks simply. Darkly.

I nod. "I came home and they were fighting. He slammed her into a cabinet and hit her. She won't tell dad. Dad will kill him. They don't really get along and this is the first year that they have been. Mom doesn't want to ruin it and she doesn't want Luke to be hurt" I say, starting to cry out loud.

"So either way I'm betraying someone. I'm betraying mom or dad, no matter which decision I make" I say, crying into my hands.

He sighs and pauses for a minute. "You're not making the decision. I am. I'll go to your dad's house in a bit and tell him. He has to know this, Sasha" he says. He's completely enraged.

I just nod. He does need to know this.
Liam's POV

Taylor and I have been looking at the staircase all morning, trying to decide how she could have possibly gotten so hurt from that. I guess it's possible. Mom never lies to Taylor, so we have no reason not to trust her.

Around 1 there's a knock on the door and I go and answer it. It's Lance and Mason.

"Hey" I say, surprised to see them. School is going on right now.

"Hey. Sorry to come over unannounced like this. Can we come in for a minute?" Lance asks.

I nod. "You can, but Taylor's home" I say, looking at Mason.

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