~164~ Just Nice Enough

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Ellie's POV

It's been several weeks since Manny was forever erased from our lives, and honestly, it hasn't been fun. Luke really hasn't been talking to me. He says enough so he doesn't get in trouble. He's polite and he answers my questions, but that's about it.
Right now, my relationship with my son is gone. I'm waiting for it to get fixed, but I'm getting impatient.

Taylor and I are working on things. He hurt me badly, and he knows it. I'm forgiving him, but it's taking longer than he wants.

"Ellie, have you seen my phone?" He asks

"No" I say, trying to remember if I've seen it.

"Dang. I could have sworn I left it in my basketball shorts."

Uh oh

"Your blue basketball shorts?" I ask.

"Yeah" he says, giving me a funny look.

I sigh and go to the washer. I open the lid and search for the shorts. He's staring at me in horror.

"Young lady" he says darkly

I find his shorts and look in the pocket. Sure enough, his phone.

"Oops" I say, giving him an apologetic smile

"Young lady, you just earned yourself a spanking" he says as he picks me up and slings me over his shoulder.

"Taylor, knock it off" I say, trying to wiggle from his grasp. This man is insane. I can't even budge. I don't know what possesses me to act all big and bad when we're in a fight. I know as well as he does that I would never stand a chance against him.

He takes me to the couch and puts me over his lap. He sharply smacks my butt.

"Ouch, Taylor. That hurt" I yell.

"Well, yeah. Spankings are supposed to" he chuckles as he pops me again.

"Oh my gosh, knock it off" I say. He's kidding. He always jokes about spanking me. It's like a little thing we do. He never has, though. Not even in the bedroom, for fun. That's not something we're into.
I'm now starting to wonder if he's actually going to.

He smacks me again, even harder.

"You're seriously hurting me" I say, fighting a tear that's stinging the back of my eye.

"Girly, you're getting soft. Three smacks and you're about to cry? Savannah is tougher than you" he says, popping me again. Much lighter this time, but still

"Let me up, I'm getting pissed" I say.

He chuckles and let's me up. He thoroughly enjoyed himself.

"What the heck was that?" I snap. My butt is actually a little tender.

"What?" He asks, innocently.

"What possessed you to do that? That hurt" I say, rubbing my butt.

He brings me to him and rubs my butt gently.

"I'm sorry, I was just playing. I didn't mean to actually hurt you" he says, kissing me gently.

"Well you did" I say, snuggling into his chest.

"I'm sorry about your phone. My check just deposited into the bank today. Use that to replace it tomorrow" I say, kissing him.

"Oh, it's fine. I was wanting a new one anyway. I'm due for an upgrade" he says, still rubbing my butt.

"Feel better?" He asks gently.

"No. Keep going" I smirk as I kiss him hard.

"Get a room, you two" Luke snaps as he comes down the stairs.

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