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Luke's POV

This sucks. Liam and I were supposed to have our own room, while mom, dad, and Emma were supposed to have the other. Now we get to cram into one room, and I get to be stuck with dad for the entire weekend. Someone just shoot me.

Mom falls asleep pretty quickly after Sasha leaves. Thankfully mom doesn't snore. Dad does though, so I'm not going to be getting any sleep.

Dad goes over to her after a bit and chuckles. "She's gone, boys and girls" he says as he kisses her softly and covers her up. "You look like you're about to go too, Emma Katherine" he says, covering her up and kissing her softly on the head.

"Yeah, I'm tired" she says, agreeing. "Want me to shut off this light?" He asks

"Sure. Thanks" she says as she rolls over.

Once the girls are asleep, dad goes into the bathroom
and gets dressed. He comes out with just sweat pants on.

"You staying up guys?" He asks, sitting next to me on the bed.

"Nah. I'm going to bed too I think." Liam says as he gets up to go to the bathroom. When he comes out he yawns.

"You never go to bed this early. What's up?" Dad asks, raising his eyebrows.

"I didn't get much sleep last night" he says with a funny look.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" Dad asks, noticing the look.

"Ummm. I had a friend over" he says tactfully.

"Oh yeah? Anyone I know?" Dad asks with a smile.

"No. I met her at Jake's gym" he says, climbing back into bed and covering himself up.

"You know, Nora is quite a catch." Dad says, winking at him.

"Taylor, I'm not interested in dating a paramedic. The only thing I've learned from you and Greene is that once you date one, you marry them. I'm not ready to get married." He says, smiling.

"Yeah, well... paramedics are pretty kick-ass kid" he says, smiling and rolling his eyes.

"I'll keep that in mind" he says, rolling over.

"What about you, Luke. Want me to keep the TV on?" He asks, still sitting next to me.

"Yeah. I'm going to stay up a bit." I say. I actually don't feel like staying up, but I don't want dad to tuck me in like he did mom and Emma.

"Ok" he says as he hands me the remote. "I love you, bud" he says as he kisses my head.

I don't say anything. I do love him, but I don't want to tell him that.

He gets his sleeper sofa ready, and then climbs in. Once I hear Liam and him starting to snore gently, I turn off the TV and go to bed myself.

The next morning, mom is shaking me awake. "It's time to get up, love. Her first dance starts in an hour and we still haven't had breakfast. I want to get a good spot" she says as she rubs my back gently.

I open my eyes and notice I'm the only one still in bed. Emma is ready, dad is ready, and Liam must be in the shower.

"If Liam is in the shower, why can't I sleep till he gets out?" I ask. I'm always cranky in the mornings.

"He will be out in just a minute. Get up, cranky pants" mom says with her gentle smile.

I get up and mom makes the bed. "They have people that do that, you know" I say. Mom is too much of a clean freak.

"I don't need someone to make a bed for me, kid" she says, rolling her eyes.

Liam comes out and I go in. When I get out, everybody is waiting on me.

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