~57~ Last Thing I Ever Wanted

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Ellie's POV

I wake up this morning and I feel awful. This last year, I've had really weird periods. I bleed a lot.
I'm feeling pretty weak today, but I figure that once I'm up and moving I'll be fine.

I get ready and come downstairs. Taylor has shift today, so he's packing his bag quickly and walking around without his shirt. He HATES wearing his uniform. He always said that the Lieutenant's shirt was comfortable. It was just a cotton t-shirt. The Chief's shirt is a stiff dress shirt. He doesn't put it on until the last second.

As soon as he sees me, he can tell I don't feel good.

"Woah. What's wrong, Ellie?" He asks, feeling my head.

I just shake my head. "It's just a really bad period" I say quietly. Luke has just come downstairs.

"Again? You've been having a lot of those. I think you need to go to the doctor" he says concerned.

"You feel kinda warm. Maybe you should take off work and go to the doctor today, love" he says, kissing my head.

I shake my head. "I'll be fine" I say, kissing him lightly.

He looks at me hard, unconvinced. He finally sighs and nods. "I hate going to shift when you're not feeling well" he says sadly.

"It's just a period. I'm fine" I say, squeezing his arm.

He just nods.

We leave and get to the school. I already have to go to the bathroom. Maybe he's right. Maybe I should go to the doctor.

The day goes by painfully slowly. I'm feeling so lousy, I even lay on my cot for a while before lunch.

At lunch, Lance takes one look at me and he can tell that something is wrong.

"Ellie, I think you need to go home. You look awful" he says, concerned.

"Well thanks, boss. You sure do know how to make a person feel special" I say with a teasing grin.

"I'm serious" he says as he touches my forehead. I flinch away. I'm not comfortable with him touching me. He's not Taylor.

He doesn't act like I hurt his feelings.

"I just need to eat. I'll be fine" I say as I grab a soda and a chicken sandwich. I start walking into the lounge to eat.

"Why don't you eat out in the lunchroom today. I don't like how you look" he says, still concerned.

"Still insulting me" I say, rolling my eyes. I get up and follow him. I really am starting to feel weak.

I eat lunch and it doesn't really help.

I have to drop off some reports to Lance after lunch, so I get those ready and start to go into the hall. I see Sasha.

"Momma, are you ok? You don't look good at all" she says, concerned.

"I'm ok, darling. Why aren't you in class?" I ask her with a forced smile.

"My teacher asked me to give these papers to Mills" she says, still looking at me funny.

I nod. "I'm headed there too, come on" I say.

We get to his office and go in. As soon as he sees me, he stands up. "Ok, that's it. I'm calling Taylor to come get you. You're not ok" he says seriously.

"Taylor's......um.........a.......t.........w" suddenly the room is spinning.



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