~119~ Back and Forth

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Sasha's POV

This is my favorite class. This semester I get to be my History teacher's assistant. It's totally a blow-off class; I get to help her grade papers and do odd jobs that she has. She's even letting me help work on lesson plans. I think I want to be a teacher; An English teacher. It's my favorite subject and I'm good at it. I think I'd be a good teacher.

"Sasha, I need you to give this packet of papers to Mr. West, and then ask him if I can borrow the syllabus for the project he just assigned his students. We're piggy-backing off each other's assignments this quarter."


"Is there a problem?"

"No ma'am. I'll be right back"

I haven't been near him since the shooting. Having him hold me was everything. It was also horrible...Knowing that I'll never be able to have that again. I haven't forgotten what he said at the competition. He doesn't want me. I'm too young. Too inexperienced. He's right, but I'm not going to apologize for not sleeping around and creating a reputation for myself.

I can't think about that day either. It's too traumatic...So in turn, I can't think about him holding me for an hour. I have to forget all about it.

I get to his room and take a deep breath. Of course it's his free period. Let's just make this even more awkward.

I stand at the opened door and knock. He's sitting at his desk grading papers. As soon as he hears the knock he pops his head up. His face changes immediately when he sees me. He's uncomfortable. He's nervous...He's excited.

I go in and give him a hard look. "Ms. Henry asked me to give these to you."

He takes the papers from me and starts sifting through them.

"Thanks," he says with a small smile.

"She also wants the syllabus for your project"

He looks at me confused "Which one?"

"I have no idea," I snap.

He gives me a surprised look and stands up, going over to his filing cabinet.

He grabs several packets out and shuts the door.

"Any idea if she's wanting honors or regular?"

"I don't have a clue!"

His silence is making me annoyed.

"......Mr. West, would you like me to go back and ask her?"

He sighs and shakes his head. "No. Just give her both," he says as he hands them to me.

I say nothing as I turn to leave.

"Sasha, what's wrong?"

I turn around and look at him again. "Nothing, sir."

"Is this about the competition weekend?" He asks carefully.

"Sir, I've gotta go."

He chuckles darkly. "Since when have you ever been so formal? You haven't called me 'sir' since the first week of school last year."

I shake my head. "I'm done making a fool out of myself—I have since last year. It's obvious that you don't want me. I purposely haven't dated anyone, because I've had it in my head that we were meant to be together. I was wrong. Thanks for the papers."

His face is pained; He didn't like that at all. He doesn't say anything else as I turn around and leave. He just silently watches me go.

I get back and hand Ms. Henry the packets.

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