~47~ Cuffs

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Ellie's POV

I get home and I just sit in the car for a moment, trying to talk myself into going inside. I finally do. Liam and Taylor are playing video games, and being dorks. If this was a different situation, I would be happy. This is just like old times. As soon as Taylor hears the door, he looks up. He stands up as soon as he sees my face.

"Eleanor, what's wrong?" He asks as he comes over to me.

I shake my head for a moment, trying to get myself calm.

"Liam, I need you to leave" I say, looking at him.

He stands up and nods, concerned. "Leave the room or leave the house?" He asks me seriously.

"I just need you to leave" I say, barely holding onto my composure. Liam senses it immediately and grabs his phone and keys and leaves, kissing me on the cheek as he goes. Taylor is terrified, and says nothing until we hear Liam drive off.

"Tell me" he says quietly.

My legs suddenly cannot hold me up any longer. I collapse. Taylor catches me before my knees smash on the hard floor, and cradles me. I sob inconsolably for a while. His heart is beating fast. He's scared.

"I went to talk to Megan first, and she wasn't there. Wes told me I had to tell you" I say, still sobbing.

"Tell me what?" he asks, barely above a whisper.

"I can't tell you this" I say, shaking my head.

"Baby, whatever it is, we will figure it out. I promise. Is this about you and Lance?" He asks.

He thinks I cheated too. Does nobody trust me?

"I didn't cheat" I get out. He immediately relaxes, just like Wes did.

He holds me for another minute, letting me cry.

"We've got a big problem" I say, finally looking at him. He nods as he stares at me, completely terrified.

I finally tell him everything. All of my suspicions these last several months, seeing him stare at her today, my conversation with Lance, everything. By the time I'm done, Taylor is shaking inconsolably.

I don't think I've ever seen him this enraged, and I've seen him pretty mad before. I'm actually afraid of him right now.

"You were going to hide this from me?" He yells.

"I thought about it" I admit. I had already told him that both Lance and Wes told me I had to.

He shakes his head. "You and I would have had major issues" he says darkly.

I just nod. I'm still sitting on the floor. I don't have the strength to get up yet.

"I'm taking shift off tomorrow. I'm in this meeting" he says, as he goes over and throws a lamp across the room, smashing it against the wall.

"Taylor, I'm completely positive that you will get arrested if you do" I say, seriously.

"Eleanor..... you do NOT get to have a say in this. Do you hear me? The fact that you even thought about dealing with this on your own makes me absolutely furious. You listen to me. I WILL take care of this tomorrow. You WILL sit there and be quiet. There are some things that I'm willing to let you take charge of, but not this. Don't try me" he says, his voice raised.

I immediately start crying. He's only ever truly yelled at me three times since I've known him. Once when I was pregnant with Sasha, the time during the tornado, and now. Normally people yelling at me doesn't faze me. It's devastating when Taylor does.

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