~128~ This is Real

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Ellie's POV

It's been a week. I haven't seen my daughter in over a week and I'm starting to get snappy. Once Sasha left that night, Taylor and I got in a HUGE fight.

"YOU WILL NOT BE THE REASON THAT I DON'T GET TO SEE MY DAUGHTER" I scream as I throw a platter of cupcakes at him.

My outburst completely stuns him. I hardly ever act like this. He just silently stares at me, rubbing the spot on his cheek where the platter hit him.

"What are you wanting from me?" He finally asks quietly. Sadly.

"I want you to get your head out of your ass and try to be nice to that kid" I say, completely enraged.

"I can't do that" he says darkly.

"You WILL do that. Don't make me choose between you and my daughter" I say, glaring at him.

That hurt him. Badly.

"How can you be ok with this?" He asks me, exasperated.

"Because he never touched her. He was NEVER inappropriate with her. He tried to get help when
he knew how badly it was headed. She's an adult now, Taylor. You don't get to dictate who she sees. Plus, he's a good guy" I say, still yelling.

"I don't care. I can't even look at him. I sure as hell will not let him sit on my couch and hold hands with my daughter" he says, starting to shake.

"Figure it out. You've got tonight to figure out how to be ok with it" I say as I go upstairs and slam the door.

We haven't spoken much to one another in a week. A long, tense week. He's been sleeping at Liam's house.

I finally have had enough. Sasha and I have texted, but I haven't seen her. I decide to text her...

*Hey Sasha girl. Any chance you would let your mom take you to lunch?

*Sure! Noon?

*Sounds good. You good with Olive Garden?

*yup. See you then.

As I'm getting my stuff together, Taylor sees me in the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" He asks me quietly. I won't hardly even look at him.

"Lunch with Sasha" I say simply.

He just nods. "Give her a kiss for me" he says sadly.

"You could do it yourself if you weren't being such an idiot" I snap.

His teeth snap together and he glares at me hard, saying nothing.

I get to lunch and get a table. Sasha gets there about ten minutes later.

"There's my girl" I say as I get up and give her a hug. She hugs me back and holds me longer than I expected her to. She's lonely.

When she pulls out of the hug, she has a tear streaming down her cheek.

I wipe it away and kiss cheek. "Your room is always here. Always." I kiss her again. "Dad told me to give that to you" I say with a gentle smile.

She nods and sits down.

Once we order and they bring us breadsticks, I jump right in.

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