~179~ The Big Fight

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Emma's POV

Dinner was a little less weird once Liam started joking around. I'm sitting here, really staring at Josie and Dylan. Dylan is CUTE...for a Freshman. He's going to become popular quickly. He might even be a little cuter than Mason, and Mason is hot.

Josie is beautiful. Her hair is insanely curly. It's not the gentle curls you get with the curling iron, it's the beautiful thick natural curl that girls would kill to have. Her hair is golden and falls to her waist. She is really stunning. She looks a lot like Mason and Dylan.

My phone starts going off at the table, and I quickly silence it. We're not allowed to have phones at the table. I'm sure it's Owen.

Things are going good with Owen. I have no intentions of breaking up with him. Even though I still love Trace, I have to figure out who I am. I've been in love with him my entire life; He's taken over the majority of my thoughts. I've got to figure out what it's like not to be consumed by Trace Greene.

Trace and Sadie are still broken up. As far as I know, Trace isn't dating anybody.

I help mom and Nora clear the table.

"Anybody want to play some Nintendo Switch?" Dad asks.

Savannah pipes up. "I'm playing Mason at Mario Cart" she says.

Mason snorts. "No way. You only want to play with me because you know I will lose" he chuckles.

"Well, duh" Savannah says, not understanding why that's an issue.

"Dylan, wanna get schooled by an 11 year old? She's really good" Dad asks.

"No thanks" he says quietly. I think he's scared of dad for some reason.

"Josie?" Dad tries.

Josie flinches and stands closer to Dylan. That's weird. She's terrified of dad too. Dad and Mason both notice, and they both share a secret look.

"Ok, Luke. Savannah is way too cocky. Make her work for the win" dad says, acting at ease.

"My pleasure. Ready to cry like a girl, Savvy?" He asks with a grin.

"I wasn't the one crying last night, you were" she says seriously.

"I wasn't crying!" He argues.

"You were on the inside, Lucas" she says.

We all start laughing. For as serious as this girl is, she sure has some funny one-liners.

We spend the next hour watching Savannah beat all the guys. "This blows. She has to be cheating.
What are you teaching your daughter, Liam?" Luke whines.

"How to be a winner" Liam smirks.

"Where's Sonny? I've gotta get started on training him if I wanna make my millions" he says, walking up the stairs.

He comes back down with Sonny and sets him on the carpet.

He flips him over so he's on his shell.

"Come on Sonny, play dead. No, quit wiggling. Dead" he says, slumping his shoulder.

"He doesn't like this. Mom, grab me a ball" Liam says.

He spends the next hour playing with Sonny.

"It's official boys and girls, turtles are dumb" he finally declares.

Mom chuckles. "Maybe it's not the turtle, maybe it's the grown man who tried to train him for an hour" she says.

We all start laughing.

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