~18~ Tornado

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Taylor's POV

We're on high alert today. The weather looks nasty, and if there is a tornado, we will have a very busy night. After Greene and I talked, we decided we wanted our families here. We have a storm shelter... a pretty good one here. We have a basement at home, but it's old and creepy. I don't want my family to be alone down there without me. Plus, I need to know they're safe.

I call Ellie around 2, and she answers right away.

"Hey baby girl. Will you guys head to the station after school?"

"Sure, what's up?" She asks.

"They're calling for bad storms starting at 4, and I'm just having a funny feeling. Megan and the kids are coming here too." I explain.

"Is that why you told Sasha she couldn't go to the mall?" She asks.


"Ok. We will head over right after school is out."

"Great. Thanks, darlin" I say as I hang up. I'm already feeling better.

"Chief, there's already been two that have touched down in Lanberry. The cell is strengthening" Liam says as he pokes his head in.

I nod. "I want you and Diego to start making sure the generator is working. Make sure the paramedics have all their extra equipment charged. I want them stocking the rig with extra supplies. Then have some men working on flashlights and things. I want to be ready for the worst." I say, looking at him hard.

"Once you're done with that, check with Greene and see what he's got for you. He's on edge too." I say.

"Yes Chief" Liam says as he leaves quickly.

I start pacing once 3:30 hits. Ellie and the kids should have gotten here by now, and she's not answering her phone.

Megan, Trace, and Izzy are already here.

"Have you heard from Luke?" I ask Trace nervously.

"No. He was meeting up with Ellie last I talked with him. I can try calling him" he says, getting out his phone. I nod, and pat him on his shoulder.

By 4, they're still not here and the sky is getting dark.

"Have you tried any of them?" I ask Liam. Nobody is answering.

"Emma's phone must be off and Sasha and Luke aren't answering. Mom's phone is going straight to voicemail" he says, sounding nervous. Hail is starting to fall outside. The wind is getting wicked.

"I'm about to go searching for them" I say to Liam and Greene. They just nod silently.

Suddenly we hear a tree branch cracking from the wind and smashing to the ground outside.

"Everybody, away from the windows. NOW!" I yell.

Ten minutes later it's getting even worse. The wind is so hard it's whistling. We're monitoring a cell that's forming right above us. It could drop a tornado at any time.

"Alright guys, I'm not liking this sky. Clark, get the storm shelter opened. We might have to go in there in a minute" I bark.

"Yes Sir" he says as he rushes to do what I've asked.

Suddenly I see headlights outside. I look at Greene and let out the breathe I didn't realize I was holding. It's Ellie.

I run out to her, getting completely soaked in the process.

"Are you ok?" I scream over the wind.

She nods. "It was my fault" she yells as she gets out and we all start running inside.

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