~133~ Memories

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Ellie's POV

I'm sitting watching the fire flicker. This is where I get lost in my own thoughts. The good and the bad all swirl together and take me out of reality.

"What are you thinking about, darling?" Taylor asks, breaking the silence.

I look at him and wipe the tears that have fallen.

"Alex" I say simply.

"Then why are you crying?" He asks, wiping a tear that I missed.

"Just thinking about when he broke up with me" I say simply.

He's quiet for a long time. We've never really talked about it before.

"Tell me about it" he says gently.

I just shake my head and try not to cry.

He wraps me in a tight hug. "Please, Ellie. I've always wanted to know" he says, kissing my hair.

I take a deep breath and nod, allowing myself to remember some of the darkest days of my life.

Liam has the stomach flu. My poor sweet four year old baby has been throwing up and having diarrhea all day. I was up all night last night with him. He threw up all over the entire living room. I was bathing him at 2 in the morning, while he's crying in misery. His fever is so high that I stay up all night making sure that he's ok.

Liam has been sleeping on me for the last half hour. He had thrown up all over my shirt, and I had nothing left. I only have four shirts, and he has thrown up on all of them. I'm in only my bra, and he is sleeping on my chest. He finally fell asleep, so I'm going to have to wait for Alex to get home so he can give me one of his shirts.

Alex gets home around 4. He looks over and sees Liam sleeping on me and smiles. He comes over and wipes a sweaty strand of hair off of his forehead.

"How's my boy?" He asks me, kissing my lips softly.

"Finally asleep. He kept down some Gatorade earlier."

"Good" Alex says, sweeping his hand over my cheek.

"How's my girl?" He asks, kissing me again.


He just nods. He looks at me in only my bra and chuckles. "Can I have a turn?" He asks, running his hand over my boob.

I chuckle. "I'm afraid to move him, he finally fell asleep."

He smirks. "Want a shirt?"

I nod.

He silently stands up and goes to our room, getting me one of his shirts. It's going to be like a dress on me, but it's better than nothing.

"Where have you been all day?" I ask him as he puts the shirt carefully over my head, trying not to wake up Liam.

"Oh, just out with some friends."

He looks funny.

"Anyone I know?"

"No. Just people from the academy" he says. He's still acting funny.

"I can try to put him down if you really want to have sex" I say after a minute.

"No, that's ok" he says, shaking his head.

I chuckle. "Since when have you ever turned down sex?"

"I just don't want to, Ellie" he snaps.

"You were literally asking me to one minute ago. What's with the attitude?"

He looks at me for a long minute.

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