~148~ Dropping Like Flies

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***Trigger Warning!!! I'm actually unsure if a trigger warning is needed for this, however, if you have a weak stomach, or are currently eating, you may wanna pass on this chapter. It won't be too gruesome, but I'd thought I'd give fair warning first😊***

Ellie's POV

We're all sitting around watching a movie as a family tonight. I happen to look over at Luke and he doesn't look right.

"You ok, darling?" I ask.

He just nods.

"You feeling ok?" I ask as I go over to him.

"I feel like I'm going to puke" he says weakly. I feel his forehead and he's hot. Crap. I hope this isn't the stomach flu.

I go and get the thermometer. Sure enough, 103.4.

"You're sick, kiddo" I say, kissing his head. I hate when my kids are sick. It breaks my heart.

"Come on, let's get you in bed" I say helping him up. Taylor comes to the other side and gently helps him up the stairs. Suddenly he pukes, absolutely everywhere. All over the stairs, the floor, and Taylor.

Taylor is such a good man. He doesn't even flinch. "Ok, bud. Can you take a shower first?" He asks gently.

Luke just nods.

"Ok. You get in, and then I'll stand outside in case you need something" he says as he helps him up the stairs.

This amazing man is covered in puke, and he's still going to wait to get himself cleaned up until Luke is situated.

The shower doesn't last long, but at the end, Luke is so weak that Taylor has to help him get out. Luke pukes again, but in the sink this time.

By the time we get him to bed, this kid is beyond miserable. This hit hard and fast. He was fine when he got home from school.

Taylor helps him get dressed, and then leaves to take his shower. I get him situated, and then leave for a couple of minutes to start cleaning the stairs and floor. Thankfully it's all wooden, so the cleanup is going to be much easier.

Suddenly I look over at Emma, and she looks like Luke.

"You too, Emma Kate?" I ask, feeling her head.
"Mom, I need a bucket" she says as she throws up. Mason and Sasha dodge the puke, barely, but it has gotten over my entire couch. This is a nightmare.

"Ok. Um. Let's get you to bed, Emmy. Can you walk?" I ask her.

She lays her head down and shakes her head. I think about what to do for a minute. She can't lay here, there's puke everywhere.

"Emma, can I carry you up the stairs?" Mason asks her seriously.

Emma just nods, too weak to do anything else.

Thankfully Emma didn't throw up on herself, so she doesn't need a shower like poor Luke did.

Mason gets up and carefully picks her up. He starts walking up the stairs, carefully avoiding the disaster from Luke. The smell is starting to get intense.

I follow them up the stairs, and Mason gently pulls back her covers and lays her down.

"Ok, what can I do?" He asks after he has set her down.

I laugh, overwhelmed.

"I don't even know where to start. Can you check on Luke? I didn't mean to be away from him this long" I say.

Mason just nods and goes to Luke's room.

I help Emma get into comfy clothes and I go and find her a bucket for when she needs it again.

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