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Luke's POV

I love having my best friend here. You would think I'd get sick of it and want my own space, but I don't. He's been sleeping in Sasha's old room at night, so I get time to myself then.

I hear mom going into Trace's room and waking him up.

"Get up, Trace. You guys have to leave in a half hour" she says. I hear him mumble something and then she comes into my room.

"Lucas, it's time to wake up, baby boy" she says, kissing my cheek and smacking my butt lightly.

"Go away" I mumble.

"Don't start today. I'm running late myself. Get up now" she says sternly.

I think about throwing my pillow at her, but I decide against it. She sounds crabby this morning.

I get up and Trace is in the shower.

"Mom, can I use your shower?" I ask.

"Emma's in my shower" she says from down the hall.


I go downstairs with my clothes and use the bathroom on the main floor. I'm halfway into my shower when the water turns icy. Seriously? A guy can't take a five minute shower?

I get out and I'm pissed. Dad is drinking coffee at the table.

"I just had to take a cold shower" I say, slamming my hand down on the counter.

Dad nods. "With Trace and Mason's brother and sister here, the water heater can't keep up" he says, going back to his paper.

"So what the hell am I supposed to do? Freeze? Shrinkage is a real thing, dad" I snap.

He snorts and chokes on his coffee a little bit. "Don't I know it" he cackles.

"I've been meaning to buy a second water heater for the attic. That way they're on their own. I'll look into it today, kid. Shower at night for now if you don't want any shrinkage" he chuckles.

"You're hilarious" I snap as I go upstairs to grab my book bag and do my hair.

Trace is still in the bathroom, but the door is open.

"Sorry dude, I was trying to be quick" he apologizes.

"It's fine" I say as I grab my toothbrush. Then I go to the toilet and go pee.

"Dang, Luke! Shut the door" Emma snaps as she starts walking in. Thankfully I'm angled the right way and she didn't see anything. That woulda been embarrassing.

"Get out till I'm done" I snap back. How does one quit peeing mid stream?

She rolls her eyes and goes back out. I finish and get myself situated. "Ok, Emma" I say, flushing the toilet.

"How am I supposed to get my makeup and hair done with both of you in here?" She asks, going around Trace to get her makeup bag.

"I'm almost done, Emmy" Trace says, kissing her wet hair.

He finishes up his hair real quick and gets out. Then it's just me and Emma.

"Sorry. I'll shut the door next time" I say, shoving her playfully.

"Trace was right there. Why would you want to pee in front of him?" She asks as she starts on her makeup.

"It's not like he was looking" I say, rolling my eyes. Girls are dramatic.

She says nothing as she gets herself ready. I hurry up and go downstairs so I can eat.

"You guys have five minutes. Hurry" mom says.

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