~17~ Always Know

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Ellie's POV

"I'm just not feeling well, Nurse Preston" Anthony says as he's sitting on the cot in my office.

I take his temperature and he's got a 101.9. "Yeah, you're sick, kid. I'll call mom" I say as I go to my phone. He tells me the number and I dial it. Once his mom answers I explain what's going on.

"Mom will be here in a few minute, bud. You can either lay here, or you can wait in the office" I say, giving him a gentle smile. It takes all I have not to "mother" him. I hate it when kids are sick.

"Can I just lay here? My head is pounding" he says,
Closing his eyes and wincing.

"Sure" I say softly as I get a blanket from the closet and lay it over him, and then dim the lights.

After about ten minutes, my phone rings. "Hello" I answer.

"Nurse Preston, normally I would send him to the principal's office, but since you're here, I thought you might just want to come up" Mrs. Simkins says.


I listen to her tell me what he did, and I close my eyes. I know exactly why he did that. What do I do now?

"Alright. Thanks for letting me know" I say as I hang up the phone.

Anthony leaves a minute later, and I head up to where Luke is. Once I get there, I knock on the doorframe, and poke my head in. Luke sees me immediately and slumps his shoulders.

I use my finger and silently motion for him to come with me. He gets his things and gets up, not looking at me at all. I smile apologetically at Simkins and we silently leave. I say nothing until we get back to my office.

I close my door and just stare at him. Waiting for him to speak. He doesn't.

"Care to explain?" I ask, folding my arms.

"Nope," he says, sitting on the cot and sighing.

"I'm sorry. I made that into a question, didn't I? Start talking. Now," I say, making my voice firm.

He looks at me hard for a minute, trying to figure out what to say.

"Lexi was getting on my nerves," he finally says simply.

I just nod. I can read his face. I'm not mad at him, even though I'm pretending like I am.

"What should your punishment be?" I ask. His eyes widen in surprise. I've never asked him that before.

"Uh. I don't know. Whatever," he says, pretending to be annoyed. In reality, he's uncomfortable and nervous.

"Tell me, kid," I say, keeping my face stern.

He lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes. "Well, I'm assuming you're going to spank me," he says, upset.

"Do you think you deserve that?" I ask, nodding.

"Whatever. I guess," he says. He's not defending himself. He's not telling me why he said what he said to her. He's not throwing his sister under the bus. Man I love this kid.

I go up to him and he immediately stiffens. He thinks I'm doing it now. I go up to him and sit on the bed, and I pull him into a huge hug. He's surprised, and he immediately relaxes.

I pull away from him and look him hard in the eyes. He's confused. I take his hands in mine and hold them. "What did she say to her?" I ask simply.

His eyes become sad, and he blinks a couple of times. That's how I know he wants to cry. He doesn't, of course, he's fighting the tears. It breaks his heart just as much as it does ours.

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