~145~ I Deserved It

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Taylor's POV

We go upstairs and Ellie stops in our room to grab the paddle. I just silently wait for her. When the kids were younger, I asked her to get rid of the paddle. I just didn't like it at all. My dad used it on me and it was the worst pain I've ever felt. Almost too intense. She was adamant though. She had the paddle a lot growing up, so she knew how intense it was. Liam had it. I decided to drop it. I did, however, inform her that I would NEVER use it on my children.

Today is one of the only times that I agree that he needs the paddle. What he did was so far past ok, that the belt is just not enough. I'm relieved that she offered to do it.

She gets the crazy thing and we head to Luke's room. She knocks on the door and waits for his "come in"

She goes in and I follow behind. I silently go and sit on the bed next to him. Normally I'm the disciplinarian. She loves being the good guy this time. I have accepted this role gladly. However, I cannot tell you how good it feels to have her take the reigns once in a while. The weight of it always being on my shoulders would be a lot. I'm sure that's how Ellie always felt when she was raising Liam. She's the strongest person I have ever met. It kills me that she's mad at me right now.

She brings the desk chair over and sets the paddle next to him on the bed. She looks at him hard for a minute. This kid is terrified.

"I just need to know what possessed you to put something like that on and walk around where there were kids. Luke, I couldn't even look at you. Why would you be comfortable doing that in a public place?" she asks darkly.

As soon as he had come out I saw Ellie look away. It was embarrassing. What he was wearing...or not wearing...was embarrassing.

He's embarrassed. He immediately looks at the ground.

"Look at your mom, not the ground" I say darkly. They all know that's one of my biggest pet-peeves.

He immediately looks back at Ellie.

"It was funny...At least we thought it was funny. I wasn't embarrassed until we got to the station. I should have been before that though. I really don't know what I was thinking" he sniffs.

She nods. "This will never happen again?" She asks.

He looks her dead in the eye. "Momma, I promise it will NEVER happen again" he says seriously.

"Ok. Then I have nothing else to say. Over the bed" she says as she stands up and pushes the chair back. His eyes get wide. Most of the time, when we make them lay over the bed, it's a pretty good indicator that the spanking will be bad.

"How bad is it going to be?" He asks quietly.

She chuckles darkly. "I may not have anything else to say, but my paddle does. It's going to be talking A LOT Lucas" she glares.

He sighs and nods, standing up and laying over the bed. He immediately puts his arms under him and waits. I should probably get up and go to the desk, but I don't. I just sit here right next to him. Hopefully Ellie has good aim and I don't wind up getting the dang paddle too.

She wastes no time as she starts. I'm watching his face. As soon as the paddle comes down on his rear once, he immediately closes his eyes.

After the second smack, he is already shaking his head a little. This one is going to suck for him.

The third smack he hangs his head. His eyes are still clenched tight and his mouth is already pressed into a tight line.

She smacks him several more times when he lets out a hiss. Then a groan. Then a small yelp. I really don't think he's going to be able to make it through a whole spanking without crying this time.

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