***~184~ The Longest Night***

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Ellie's POV

We decided to split Megan and I up. Even though I'm desperately needing her support, we think it's better if we are in different cars. If we're together, we're going to break down in front of the kids. Megan is with Mason, Sasha, Dylan, Josie, Izzy, Lilah and Colton.

I'm with Jake, Sarah, Emma, Luke, Trace, and Savannah.

We're starting our drive and nobody is saying a word. I'm staring out the window, and wiping my eyes. I can't keep my tears from falling. I look over and I see Jake looking at me out of the rearview mirror. He doesn't say anything, but his eyes are. He knows how bad this is. The boys are completely silent in the back, which isn't like them. By now they would already be starting to act stupid. Savannah is holding my hand, and resting her cheek on my chest. She is barely holding it together right now.

"Damn it" Jake hisses suddenly. We all look, and we see that the mountain is already filled with wall-to-wall traffic.

"How the hell did this happen? We left as soon as he gave the order" he says, completely panicked.

"Other people live closer to the mountain than we do" I say quietly.

He shakes his head and calls Mason. He does something to his phone, and the ringing starts coming out of the radio speakers.

"Hey" Mason answers. I can hear the stress in his voice.

"I never take backroads. Any chance you know of a different way to go?" Jake asks.

"Yeah, there's one coming up, but Taylor told me he didn't want us to take them. He said to stay on the mountain. He said people will start to panic and flood the backroads."

"Damn. This will take us hours" Jake hisses.

"Yeah, it will. I don't understand how so many people are here already. There's no way everyone is getting out in time" Mason says sadly.

"Have Lance and Nick left yet?" I ask.

"Yeah. I was just on the phone with them when you called. They're riding together. They've got a hotel room at the same place we are, and they're sharing it. They're three miles behind us" he says.

That's a relief.

"Alright, well if Taylor wants us to stay on the mountain, we will. Call if you guys need anything" Jake says

"You too" Mason says as he hangs up.

"Nobody brought any food, did they? This will take hours" Jake says, totally stressed.

I just shake my head. Hopefully nobody has to go to the bathroom.

Two hours later and we're still barely crawling. Jake is getting panicky.

"What time are they predicting the fire?" He asks.

"3 am" I say.

Right now it's 7pm. We're still ok.

Suddenly Jake's phone starts ringing through the speakers.

"What's up?" Jake answers.

"Nick just called. He said Taylor is answering questions on News 13. He and Lance are watching it on a Facebook live" he says quickly.

"Ok. We will turn it on. Thanks man" Jake says as he hangs up. I quickly get out my phone and go to Facebook. As soon as I see my beautiful man I want to cry. I need him here so desperately.

"Chief Preston, what measures are being taken right now to protect this town?" The reporter asks.

"Right now my men are spraying retardant along the West side of town. That's where the fire will be coming in from. We are trying to get as many neighborhoods as we can. We're also trying to help people evacuate in the process. Our main concern right now is getting everyone out first, and then we will save what we can" he say. My poor guy sounds exhausted.

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