~59~ Old

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Ellie's POV

The next morning I wake up and Taylor is in our room, sleeping on the floor. He has his pillow, and a small throw blanket over him.

I sit up carefully, and grown slightly in pain. He immediately wakes up. He looks at me and gets up, getting my pain killers. He gets me what I need and gives me water silently.

"Why are you on the floor?" I ask him after I take my medicine.

"Didn't figure you would want me in bed, but I wanted to be here in case you needed me" he says quietly.

"I'm fine. I didn't need you" I say as I get up and get out of bed slowly.

He puts his head down, but says nothing.

I go to take a shower.

"Do you need help? He asks carefully.

"Didn't you just hear me? I don't need your help."

I was wrong. I'm having trouble taking a shower. I drop my shampoo and I'm having trouble bending to pick it up. Then I drop my body wash. I silently just start crying. This is so stupid.

A second later, I hear the shower curtain open. Taylor silently gets the shampoo and the body wash and helps me wash. I've got to give him credit. He never once says "I told you so."

He helps me get out and gets me a towel. I go to the bed silently and sit down. He brings me some clothes, and then helps me get dressed.

"Do you want to stay up here today, or do you want to go downstairs?" He asks after he hands me my hairbrush.

"I'll stay here" I say simply as I get back in bed. I'm not about to tell him how much trouble I had getting up the dang stairs. Both Luke and Liam tried to talk me out of it, but I was being stubborn. It ended with Liam having to pick me up and carry me to bed, and me crying.

That was humiliating. Making a son carry his mother? That was a low point for me. I'm sure Taylor has already heard all about it.

He gets me some big pillows and puts them under my back so I can sit up. Then he hands me the remote.

"Can I get you some breakfast?" He asks quietly.

"No" I say, not even looking at him.

He sighs quietly and leaves after a minute.

About twenty minutes later, Liam knocks on my door.

"Can I come in, momma?" He asks as he pokes his head in.


He comes in and looks at the TV and chuckles. "Should have known you would be watching this. Is Lucy making you feel better?" He asks as he sits down. He has breakfast in his hands.

"Nope" I say darkly.

"Did he make you bring me breakfast?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

"You've got to eat, momma. You just took painkillers. It will make you sick if you don't. You're not going to want to throw up. You're hurting now, it's going to be horrible if you throw up."

He's right. I'm already feeling sick to my stomach. I sigh as I pick up the banana and start eating it.

He's quiet for a long minute, as he watches TV with me.

"I would have made the same decision he did. If he wasn't around and I had to give consent. You had to have it, mom."

"Stop, Liam"

"No. For once, you're going to listen to me. You might be the parent, but momma, I've known you my whole life. You're being horrible to him" he says as he picks up the rest of my banana and eats it.

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