~33~ Insecurities

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Emma's POV

I've been going to Jake's for a couple of weeks now. It took me a while to get up the courage to go. The first time I went, dad drove me.

"You excited, Emma Kate?" He asks, squeezing my thigh.

"Not really" I admit.

"Then why did you agree to go?" He asks, confused.

I just shrug. "Uncle Jake wanted me to" I say.

Dad is quiet before he talks again.

"Emma, you need to start finding your own voice. Your mission in life is not to please everybody else all of the time. If you don't want to do this, tell me, and I will turn the car back around" he says seriously.

I just shake my head. I already promised.

"No it's ok. I want to" I lie.

Dad sighs quietly

"Don't lie to me, young lady" he says, irritated.

"Sorry" I simply say.

We are pulling into the gym now. "Want me to stay in case you change your mind? I've got my gym bag in the back. I wouldn't mind working out for a bit" he says with a small smile.

"No thanks" I say quickly. I do not want dad there, watching me. It's embarrassing enough that Jake will be there. And strangers. These workout clothes give me rolls.

Dad nods and gets out. "I'll at least walk you in" he says, upset. He's not mad. I didn't hurt his feelings. I'm not sure why he sounds upset.

We get in, and Jake is waiting on us.

"Hey Emmy" he says, coming over and giving me a hug.

"Hi" I say, returning the smile.

I hear dad say quietly as he's leaving "Go easy on her, I just found out we pushed her into this. She doesn't want to do it" he says, thinking I can't hear.

Jake nods subtly. "Copy that" he says as he puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk over to the boxing ring in the corner of his huge gym.

"Ok, Emmy. Today we're just going over the basics. Jabs, crosses, uppercuts, and rolls. Ok? We won't do any footwork today" he says gently.

I just nod

"The most important thing to remember, is to always block your face. No matter which hand you're using to punch, the other hand is always by your chin, protecting you. Ok?" He asks, as he lifts his fists to his chin, showing me what he means.

I just nod and mimic him.

"Good girl" he says, nodding.

We spend the next several minutes as he goes through the different punches, and having me try a few. After 20 minutes, he suddenly exclaims...

"Dang girl! I had a hunch, but this just confirms it. You have insane reflexes like your mom. I was being an ass just now. I should have connected. Are you a secret ninja?" He asks, with a smile.

"Yup" I say, smiling back. He's just being nice. My reflexes aren't good.

"Your parents told me you got in trouble a few weeks ago. Wanna talk about it?" He asks, as he lightly connects to my chin. I'm thankful he's not actually hitting. That would have hurt.

"It hurt" I admit embarrassed.

He stops punching and starts chuckling. "Well, yeah, but that's not what I meant" he says, shaking his head, still chuckling.

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