~125~ Let's be Epic

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Liam's POV

I'm meeting up with Nick, Lance, and Mason at a local bar. Does me stealing my mom's friends make me a loser? Probably. They're cool though. Dad and Lilah have Savannah tonight, so I'm going to enjoy myself.

I get to the bar and they are already there.

"There he is! We already bought you the first round" Lance says with a smile.

"Sweet!" I say, going over to their table.

"What's up?" I ask, giving them all high fives.

"Ok, what drama have I missed?" I ask, sitting down and taking a sip of the draft beer they got me.

"We were actually talking about this kid that has a thing for your mom" Nick says with a smirk.

"Gross. I don't need details" I say, rolling my eyes.

They all chuckle.

"You're not surprised?" Lance asks, still smirking.

"No. I always wished I had ugly parents. No matter who I was with, whenever we would go anywhere, people would stare at them. I remember one time, I was like 9, mom took me to the zoo. This guy came up behind her and grabbed her ass. She knocked him out and we got kicked out. Come to think about it, I never did get to go back and see the monkeys like she promised" I say, rolling my eyes.

I'm not sure why there is so much laughter happening right now. I really wanted to see those dang monkeys. I may have even cried.

"How many fights has your mother been in?" Lance laughs, shaking his head.

"A lot. Not as many once Taylor came into the picture. He did the fighting for her after that. Once on vacation, and then another time. I can't remember exactly what happened, but we got kicked out of a concert. Man I missed out on a lot because of them" I say, shaking my head.

I ignore the laughter still going on and go up to order some food.

When I get back, the subject has thankfully switched to sports.

We're having a good time. We're all eating and being stupid when I see Nora walk in...with a date.

"Shit" I mutter under my breath. I've been trying to
work up the courage to ask her out again. Looks like I'm too late. I'm trying to ignore the knife trying to slice my heart open right now.

"You ok? Mason asks.

I just squeeze an onion ring until it smashes and nod, staring at my plate.

"I work with her at the firehouse. We dated, but I broke up with her a while back ago. Looks like she's moved on" I say, still looking at my food.

They all try to look at her discreetly. "Man she's hot" Nick says after a minute.

"Yup" I say simply.

After a few more minutes, Nora comes up to the table.

"Hey Liam! Can't believe you have a free night" she says with a smile. We're not awkward around each other. We had to make the best of it since we still work together.

"Hey! Yeah, my dad has her. So, I'm doing what every parent does when they don't have their kid and I'm getting smashed" I say, accidentally flashing
her my super secret grin.

I immediately hear her gasp a tiny bit. I'm not embarrassed to say that my secret smile does not normally fail me.

"Well, I better get back" she says after a second.

"K. See you on Sunday" I say, smirking at her again.

She nods and goes back to her table.

I say nothing for a minute as I try to get my bearings.

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