~174~ Really Freaking Epic

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Ellie's POV

Today's the big day! My baby boy is getting married. The emotions running through me right now are insane.

I'm happy, sad, stressed, nervous, excited, you name it, I am it.

Dad and Justin flew in late last night, and they are over at Jake's. I didn't want them here last night. Call me selfish, but whatever. I didn't want them around me too much. I'm needing time to grieve...It was just Liam and me for many many years. I was the only woman in his life. Now, Nora is the main woman. That's how it's supposed to be, but it doesn't mean that this momma's heart isn't breaking right now.

Justin and dad come over around 7 am. I've been running around doing things since 4am.

"Morning, baby girl" dad says, kissing my cheek.

"Morning" I say, giving him a forced smile. I still have a better relationship with Ryder than I do my own dad. Dad only comes around for the big things, and then he acts like he's been here all along. Don't get me started on Justin. Ever since he betrayed me, we've had issues. I'm civil, but that's it.

Justin hands me a coke from McDonalds. "Figured you'd need the caffeine" he smiles.

"You figured right. Thanks" I say, smiling back.

"When is Sasha and her way-too-old boyfriend coming down?" Dad asks darkly.

"Don't you dare. You want in my life, fine, but keep your opinions to yourself. Mason is like a son to me now, and you will treat him kindly in my home, do you hear me?" I ask, equally as dark.

Taylor is drinking coffee, but I see him smirk in his cup. He hates my dad, and he loves when I yell at him.

"I'll be on my best behavior" dad says, throwing his hands up in the air.

"What time is Jake getting here?" I ask.

"Too damn early" Jake grumbles from the doorway.

"Hey!" I say, coming over and giving him a hug.

"Hey yourself. Why am I here so damn early?" he asks, being crabby. Jake is NOT a morning person.

"You have to help Liam get the rest of the reception area set up. We couldn't get the space until 8 this morning. I expect all you men to make it look perfect. We have everything sorted in boxes and marked where we want them. You all better listen to Megan, hear me?" I ask, pointing at each one of them.

"Ooh, she's got her bossy voice, boys" Jake says, smirking.

"Get some coffee, you crank" I say, handing him a mug. He chuckles and pours some from the pot.

Mason and Sasha come down then, and as soon as they see dad and Justin, they stop.

"There's my beautiful girl" dad says, hugging Sasha tight.

"Hey grandpa. This is Mason" she says, introducing him.

Dad gives him a tight smile and shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you" dad says.

"You too" Mason says uncomfortably.

"Sasha, go and get your brother up. I've tried three times already. Get a bucket of water if you have to" I say.

"Oh man, can I? That sounds fun" Jake says, smirking.

"No way. I want to" she says, rushing up the stairs.

A few minutes later we hear a scream.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" Luke yells.

Sasha is running down the stairs as fast as she can, and hides behind Taylor. Luke comes down, completely drenched and absolutely seething.

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