~62~ Roles are Reversed

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Luke's POV

It's quiet in the kitchen as we're waiting for the spanking to start. We can hear dad talking loudly but we can't hear what he's saying.

"Dad is furious" Sasha says as she comes down the stairs.

Mom just nods.

After a few minutes, we hear the belt. "He's using the belt on her?" I say, looking at mom in horror. Her face is horror too. She didn't think he would use the belt either.

Trace immediately puts his head in his hands. This is just as hard for him as it is for me.

She's already screaming. She's only had 3 licks and she's already screaming.

"Momma" I say in horror. "No, Luke" mom says sternly.

I sit in the chair and start biting my fingernail.

"Oh please. She's fine. Do you act like this when I'm getting spanked?" Sasha spits out.

"No" I say darkly.

"Mom, she can't do a whole spanking with the belt. I'm going up there" I say as I start to stand up.

"Don't you dare" mom says as she starts to come over to me.

"There, listen" she says after a second. We all listen. Mom nods her head.

"He switched it to his hand. Your dad is amazing at reading you kids. He always knows how far to go. She's fine. He knew she had enough of the belt" mom says.

We can hear the spanking, and we can hear Emma crying. We can also hear dad yelling. Dad hardly ever lectures during a spanking. He's almost always insanely quiet. It's almost unnerving that he's lecturing.

The spanking just keeps going on and on. I look over at Trace, and he's crying. He's shaking his head back and forth and crying.

"That's it. She's had enough" I say as I get up from the table.

"Lucas Reed Preston, sit down" mom yells.

"I love you momma, but no" I say as I go upstairs.

As soon as I open the door, the scene makes me sick. I've never seen anybody get spanked before. Not once in my entire life.

Seeing Emma across dad's lap while she's sobbing hysterically as he's spanking her over and over makes me sick. As soon as dad sees me, his eyes start to blaze. As he's yelling at me, I notice he's picking
up the intensity with Emma. Hitting her harder and faster. I shut the door quickly so he will stop. I go back downstairs and sit down.

A minute later I can tell that he's quit. Trace still hasn't changed his posture. Mom goes over to him and pulls him into a hug. He hugs her back and cries. Deep, gut-wrenching cries.

"She's fine, Trace" mom says as she kisses his cheek.

"That was awful" he says, still crying.

A few minutes later we hear dad SCREAMING as he's dragging her down the stairs, holding her wrist. What is he doing? She is still sobbing, trying to keep up with him.

He puts her in a corner and tells her to stay there. Then he comes in and throws another dish. Mom isn't happy.

"Sorry, Ellie" he says after mom gets done griping at him. "Let me know when you go shopping and I'll give you money to buy a new set" he says, getting in the fridge for a soda.

"Lucas, did I or did I not warn you?" He asks, still furious.

"You did" I say simply.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't haul your sorry butt up there next" he yells.

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