~23~ Pictures

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Ellie's POV

When I get out of the office, all eyes are on me.
Alex and Colton are back, and Alex has Colton standing with his nose in the corner.

"Well?" Taylor asks when I get up to everyone.

I sigh and shake my head. "Well, I'm going in there Monday and throwing a fit. I already warned him. "Don't worry, love. It's going to be fine" I say, giving her a kiss.

"You don't know Mr. West" she says sadly.

"You must not know your mom very well, Sasha" Taylor says gently, squeezing her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, guys. This is just the beginning for him" Alex says, glaring at Colton's back.

"What can we do?" He asks, looking at Taylor. He feels awful.

"Nothing man. Don't stress about it. We won't let her fail. We will work it out" he says with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Sasha girl. Sometime next week, we will figure out what he can do to make this up to you" Alex says as he kisses her forehead.

She gives him a small smile, and wipes another tear away.

"Ready, Lilah?" Alex asks, looking over at her.

"Yeah. I'm so sorry, Taylor" she says, kissing his cheek.

He shakes his head. "It's all good. Promise" he says as he kisses her back.

They leave after that, and Sasha cries again.

That night as we're lying in bed, Taylor rolls over and looks at me. "I'm going to have Greene cover for me for a bit on Monday. I'm going with you" he says as he gives me a kiss.

"You don't need to. I can take care of it" I say softly.

"No ma'am. You can't always be the kick ass one around here" he says, kissing me on the nose.

"I never claimed to be kick-ass" I say as I put my icy feet on his warm thighs.

He flinches from the cold. "Man girl, you're freezing. Come over here and I'll warm you up real good" he says as he starts to kiss my neck.

"Tay, I'm exhausted. I got no sleep last night working on that dang project" I complain. I hardly ever turn him down. But I'm not feeling like it tonight.

"Fine. I'll just take my warmth and go all the way over here with it" he says, pretending to pout.

"Oh nice. Make me freeze" I say, rolling my eyes.

He chuckles and rolls back over. "Give me those icy toes, woman" he says as he wraps my legs up in his. I stick my toes on his calf, and he flinches. "Oof you're cold, girly" he says, coming closer. He then cradles me in his strong, warm arms. I fall asleep against his chest....Feeling safe...Feeling warm.

When Monday rolls around, Sasha is a nervous wreck. "Momma, what am I going to do?" She asks, panic in her voice.

"You're not going to do anything. We are" I say as I kiss her cheek. "Can you get your brother and sister to school on time?" I ask as Taylor grabs his keys.

"Yeah" she nods, giving me a small smile.

I grab my keys too, and we go outside. "I'll let you go first" I say as I give him a kiss.

"Why?" He asks confused.

"Because I don't need you behind me, critiquing how I drive. You're still nasty about it" I say with an attitude.

"Well, you're still a horrible driver" he says with a teasing smile.

We get to the school and walk in. Lance sees us right away. "Ellie! What are you doing here so early?" He asks with a smile.

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