~72~ Teen-Sitting

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Sasha's POV

I'm furious. Mom and dad left to go on a fancy vacation without us. What makes it even worse, you ask? They left Liam in charge. I'm 17, for crying out loud. Emma and Luke are 16. We don't need a freaking babysitter.

"Sasha Jane, Liam is going to be in charge. You will listen to him. I have already given him permission to do whatever he feels is necessary while we're gone. Hear me?" Dad asks sternly, right before they left.

This blows.

I decide to go for a run. It's hot and I'm bored. Liam bought a blow up pool for Savannah, and they are outside swimming in it. Luke and Trace are playing video games, and Emma is out with Levi.

"I'm going for a run" I say to Liam with an attitude.

"K. Keep your phone on you" he says with a smile.

I just glare at him and roll my eyes.

He chuckles as he splashes Savannah. Thankfully he's pretty easy going. He's ignored all of my attitude. Wonder how far I can push it?

I start running and I turn the music up loud. Besides dancing, running is my most favorite thing. I love how the ground feels under my feet. I love how free I feel. I love how high I feel when I'm done running.

I've been running for a good three miles or so. I'm not paying attention to where I am, I'm just running. I am catching quite a bit of attention from men driving by. I just have on a sports bra and short shorts. I have to admit that I look pretty hot right now.

I'm looking at my phone and changing the song when suddenly I run into something.

"Ouch, what the hell?!?" I bark as someone grabs me by the arms to steady me.

Once I'm sure I'm not going to fall, I take out my ear buds and glare at the person.

It's Mason West

If I thought this man was sexy at school, it is NOTHING compared to how he looks without a shirt on....sweat dripping in all the right places. His six pack is insane.

"I'm so sorry" he says, flustered when he realizes it's me.

He's having trouble deciding where to look. My workout outfit is pretty skimpy.

"I was changing the song. It was my fault" I smile at him.

"I was too" he says, smiling back.

"How have you been?" I ask him. I can't believe he hasn't started running again.

"Good. How's your summer going?" He asks carefully.

"Good" I say.

He just stands there awkwardly.

"So, um....you seeing anyone?" I ask, bluntly.

"Sasha" he warns

"Cause I'm not" I say with a smile.

His face is immediately relieved. He tries to school his features to indifferent, but he's having trouble.

He just nods "I'm going to start running again" he says after a second.

"One of these days, you're not going to have an excuse not to kiss me" I say with a grin.

"One of these days I won't need an excuse" he says, grinning back and starting to run. I just turn and stare at him. I'm going to marry him someday.

I get back, and notice that my run took longer that I was expecting. When I get back in, Liam looks annoyed.

"What took so long?" He asks.

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