~77~ First Day of School

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Ellie's POV

This last month has been strained. The rest of our vacation was awkward. Thankfully there was only one day left, so the majority of our trip was amazing.

Trace and Emma couldn't be in the same room as each other. Trace was just too humiliated and Emma was too uncomfortable to be around the tension. So if one was in a room, the other one left.

Trace wouldn't talk to Megan the rest of the trip either. She tried everything, but he ignored her. Emma ended up riding home with us, so our car was extremely cramped.

I wish that I could say that things have gotten better, but they really haven't. Trace spends a lot of his time at our house, because he still won't be around Megan if he can help it. Megan and Wes are fine, they have worked things out. However, Megan's heart is about to shatter. She is missing her boy so badly.

Even though Trace spends a lot of time at our house, he ignores Emma. Emma is so sick of it at this point that she doesn't leave the room if he's there anymore. She just ignores him right back. The stress of it has really been hard on Luke.

Taylor is back at work, and is just as strong as ever.

Today is the first day of school. Summer is officially over. While I enjoyed my time off, I'm ready to go back. I just love working.

I ride to work by myself. Sasha has dance starting up so her schedule is crazy, and the twins are driving now. Luke takes Emma every day. I have to admit, I'm enjoying my drive by myself. It's 10 minutes of complete quiet. It's beautiful.

I get in and immediately see Lance. He's out in the hallway greeting everyone as they walk past.

"Ellie!!" He says, excited to see me. I'm actually surprised at how happy I am to see him too. He's become a friend. I haven't seen him at all since school got out.

"Hey!" I say, giving him a high five. "How was your summer?" I ask, with a smile.

"It was good. Thought maybe you'd be tan. But you're still pretty pale" he jokes.

I roll my eyes. "I don't tan. It drives me crazy" I say, waving to him as I go to my office.

My morning is crazy. I'm trying to get everything situated. Thankfully no one comes in needing anything. I took time off when Taylor got hurt, and the replacement they got for me left my room a mess. This is going to take me a week to get it back to my standards.

Lance comes in around lunchtime. "Ellie, I haven't had a chance to give you your schedule. You're taking lunch in 10 minutes" he says, with a smile.

"Ok, good. I'm starving" I say, nodding.

"Um, I just want to give you fair warning that Mason is in this lunch. And Sasha. Well, actually all of your kids have this lunch. It's just the way schedules worked out this year" he says, apologetically.

"It's fine. Thanks for letting me know" I say as I put some more things in the cabinet.

"I hope you will sit with us permanently this year. Mrs. Speck retired. I know she was your lunch buddy" he says, hopeful.

"Ah man. I never got to say goodbye. I'm sad. I loved her" She was a lonely old lady. Her family ignored her and all she had was this job.

"She really liked you too. She asked me to give you her number" he says gently.

"I'd love it. I'll call her tonight" I say, relieved. I really want to see her.

"So will you sit with us permanently this year?" He asks, sounding a little desperate.

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