~134~ Camping

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Luke's POV

This sucks ass. I get to see Mr. West all damn day and then come home and see him at home? Isn't there such a thing as boundaries? Oh, and we can't talk about Mr. West living with us. We have to keep it a secret. If it's such a damn secret, then maybe we shouldn't be doing it. Adults are dumb.

I'm at school and Trace and I are being stupid, goofing off in the hall. I jump on his back and yell "giddy-up" as he starts galloping like a horse.

We're doing that down the hall, when suddenly Maria steps out in front of us by mistake. Trace tries to pivot, but he loses his balance and we both fall on our faces. We're laughing so hard we're crying.

"Get in class, you two, before I give you guys detention" West says outside of his doorway. I look up and see him standing over us, annoyed.

We both stand up and shove each other jokingly. "Keep your shirt on, Mr. West" I say as we both sit down in his classroom.

Mr. West glares at me but says nothing.

He does his lecture, and I start throwing spit-wads at Trace. He's trying to keep a straight-face, but failing.

"Last chance you two. Quit it now" West barks, getting even madder at us.

"Mr. West, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? You're a tad bit cranky" I say, glaring at him.

"I mean it Luke...Quit. Don't make me give you detention" he says, annoyed.

I roll my eyes but say nothing. If I get detention, coach will kill me.

I get home from practice and mom, dad, Sasha, and West are in the kitchen. Sasha is working on homework and West is grading papers.

I go in and grab a soda. "Hey darling" mom says, kissing my cheek.

"Hey" I say, kissing her back.

"You in a better mood yet, Mr. West?" I ask, giving him a look. Mom and dad stop talking and look at us.

West shakes his head. "You deserved detention, Luke. Next time I'll give it to you" he says darkly as he goes back to his work.

"What did he do?" Dad asks, coming over to us.

Mason looks at dad, and just shakes his head. "Just being an idiot" he says as he marks an answer wrong on one of the papers.

"He's an idiot often. What in particular did he do this time?" Dad asks, rolling his eyes.

Mason sighs and tells him all of it.

"Luke, start being respectful. I mean it" dad says, shaking his head.

"This is stupid. You never would have even known about it if he wasn't here. Can't you just admit that having a teacher living with you is weird?" I ask, looking at dad.

Dad nods. "Yeah, I'm sure it is. I'm sure it's equally as weird for him. Do your part to help it not be as weird" dad says, walking back over to mom.

"And if I don't?" I spit out without thinking.

Dad's eyebrows raise as he walks back over to me and gets in my face. He doesn't have to bend anymore. I'm officially eye level with him.

"I mean, we could go upstairs and I could show you" dad says, crossing his arms.

I roll my eyes. "I've got a good imagination, I can figure it out myself" I say as I go sit down at the table to start my homework.

I'm working on History and it sucks. West assigned so much homework that it's going to take me hours.

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