~129~ Polite

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Sasha's POV

It's been three months. Three of the best months of my entire life, but also three of the hardest. I've seen everyone but my dad. We've all gone to lunch, or the mall, or the movies. Mom and I see each other a couple times a week. Mason doesn't normally go, because he wants me to have time with my mom alone. She's really having a hard time. She's trying to be supportive of dad, but she's really starting to get resentful. They haven't been in a good way the last three months. I know that's my fault, but there's nothing I can do about it.

Mason and I finally started having sex last month. That boy wouldn't give in for two dang months. As I'm sitting here on the couch, holding his hand, I'm thinking about our first time.

I come out of the shower and I'm in short shorts and a crop top. My hair is wet and hanging down to my waist.

He sees me, and I see his eyes get big, but he ignores it. He's working on lesson plans for the next year.

I go up behind him and wrap my arms around him, nuzzling into his neck and kissing him softly. He immediately stiffens. He knows what I'm trying to do. I've been very good these last two months...VERY PATIENT. We still have only kissed. We still haven't even seen each other naked.

I start kissing his neck gently, and he's getting so distracted that he has to put his papers down.

"Sash" he says hesitantly.

"It's been two months" I whisper into his ear.

"I know how long it's been" he says, trying to discreetly shift so I can't see how much he wants me.

"Don't you miss your bed?" I ask him softly. He turns around and pulls me into his lap and kisses me gently. The kiss sends warmth clear to my toes.

"Are you sure you're ready?" He asks after a minute. I just nod. I'm ready. I'm terrified. I'm excited. I'm scared.

"If I'm hurting you, will you tell me?" He asks me nervously.

I look at him funny. "Are you nervous?" I ask, surprised. I should be the one nervous. I'm the one that's a virgin, for crying out loud.

"I'm terrified" he whispers, putting his head on my forehead.

"Why?" I ask, pulling away from him.

He looks at me hard before he answers. "You're the first girl that's ever meant anything. I saw how every male student at the school looked at you. I'm well aware that you could have anyone. I don't want to....I don't" he sighs and shakes his head. "I want to be enough for you" he finally says.

I smile and run my thumb across his lips. "That's funny. I'm scared because I don't know if I'll be enough for you" I chuckle. We're both scared of the exact same thing.

Suddenly a spark ignites in his eye and he picks me up and carries me to his bedroom. He lays me on the bed. He lies next to me and rolls over on his stomach. "Let's be enough for each other" he says as he lifts my crop top over my head. I intentionally didn't put a bra on.

His breath hitches as he sees me for the first time. He takes off his shirt and I run my hands over his perfectly chiseled body. I can't believe I actually get to touch him. He's perfect.

By the time we're done, we're entangled in each other and silent. My first time was perfect. It was more than perfect. It's obvious that we are enough for each other. We're more than enough.

We're sitting on the couch and I'm going through all of my forms for school. I'm starting at the community college in two weeks, and I'm trying to get my last minute paperwork done. I decided I want to be an English teacher and minor in dance. I want to be a dance coach at the school too.

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