~195~ Trophy

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Emma's POV

Owen and I have spent the entire day together. Mom has been in a horrible mood ever since she woke up. Last night, seeing her mom, did something really bad to her.

Mason and Sasha took the kids bowling this morning, and then they were going to go to the movies...Mom has been awful, and dad didn't want the kids around it. Luke and Trace are both still grounded from the texting and driving incident, but Trace is allowed over...They get to deal with mom's wrath all day.

Owen and I have had a great day. I'm still totally falling hard for him. It's around 5, and Owen gets a phone call. It's his mom. He takes the call and then hangs up angrily.

"Sorry, Em. I've got to take you home" he says darkly.

"Everything ok?" I ask.

"Yeah. Apparently dad wants me tonight instead of tomorrow, so I have to get home" he says.

"No problem" I say, kissing him softly.

I get home and go inside. The atmosphere is tense. I look at Mason and he whispers. "I've never seen your mom so cranky before" he says.

"To you?" I ask surprised.

He shakes his head. "Your dad is taking the brunt of it" he says.

I just nod. That's good. Dad can take it.

Dad orders a pizza and we all eat in the living room.

"Luke, use a napkin, you're getting grease all over the floor" mom snaps.

"Sorry" he says simply as he does what she says.

We finish dinner and I help mom clean up.

We're all in the living room watching TV, when suddenly Jake comes in. He looks cranky.

"Let's go" he says darkly as he grabs mom by the arm.

"Get off of me" she snaps, pulling her arm out of his grasp.

He grabs her again...Hard.

I immediately look at dad. Dad would NEVER let anyone touch her. Not in a million years. However, he's doing nothing. I suddenly realize that he's in on it. He must have called Jake to get mom out of her slump.

"Jake, I'm not going to tell you again to let me go" she snaps, yanking her arm out of his grasp again.

Josie and Dylan look absolutely terrified, and Mason looks confused.

He grabs her again, extremely hard, and yanks her up.

"I said let's go" he says in a low, dark tone...An inch from her face.

Suddenly mom halls back and tries to punch him as hard as she can. Jake blocks it.

She shoves him and he chuckles.

"That's it? You hit like a girl" he scoffs.

That really infuriates mom. She does some fancy footwork and kicks Jake in the groin... Lucky for Jake, he's a ninja and was able to block it so he didn't get most of the impact. It still hurt him though, and he has to take a deep breath for a second.

"Ok, that was a little better" he says, trying to shake it off.

"Leave" mom says darkly.

"Nuh-Uh" Jake says, grabbing her arm again.

Mom has completely had enough, and she starts fighting him. Jake is blocking every punch, and mom is blocking every one of his.

As they're "fighting" you can tell mom is starting to understand what's happening. She isn't punching as hard and her shoulders have relaxed.

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