***~186~ Get Mad***

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Ellie's POV

I wake up and look around. The room is dim. Savannah and Sarah aren't in the room. They must be up and downstairs in the lobby. What time is it? What day is it? My phone says that it's 9am. I've only been sleeping a few hours. Jake is snoring softly in the bed he and Sarah are sharing. I haven't seen my brother sleep since he was a kid. He looks gentle.
He looks like the brother I knew before mom left.

I go in the bathroom and take a shower. I didn't bring a lot of clothes, but I have enough to get me through a few days. Hopefully this hotel has a laundromat. I get out and Jake is still sleeping. I make my bed and pick up a few things quietly. My phone is charging on the nightstand. Jake must have plugged it in for me last night.

I go in Megan's room, and it's empty. Everybody must be downstairs. I check my phone, hoping for messages, and there is nothing. I glance over, and I see Jake looking at me.

"Morning" I say softly.

He gives me a small smile as he sits up.

"What time did you go to bed?" I ask.

"7" he says simply.

"You need more sleep than that. Go back to bed" I say, kissing his head.

He just shakes his head and pulls the covers off of him and sits up. "Can't" he says simply.

"What was the word after I went to bed.

Jake bites his lip and looks down. He's trying not to cry.

I sit on the edge of the bed and grab his hand. "Tell me, Jacob" I say gently.

"My gym is gone. We sat up and watched it burn after you fell asleep. We saw Taylor pulling Diego and Liam back. They were trying to go in and save it, but it was too late. It sucks ass having to watch all this on TV" he says, starting to cry.

I pull him into me. My heart is broken. I know how much that gym means to him. "I'm so sorry" I say, crying.

He holds me tight for a minute and then pulls away from me, wiping his eyes.

"As of 6am, they were all ok. We have been watching them off and on all night. I don't know how the media is allowing their people to still be there, but they are. My gym can be rebuilt. Everyone is still safe. Well, at 6 they were still ok" he says, wiping his eyes again and sniffing.

I nod. "I'll wait for you. We haven't eaten yet, and I'm feeling nauseous. Come on" I say gently.

He nods and gets out of bed and kisses my cheek. "I'll be quick" he says.

He's out of the shower and ready in ten minutes.

"What time did the guys go to bed?" I ask.

"Mason went up when I did. Lance and Nick stayed in the lobby. We think someone needs to be keeping tabs all the time. I'm supposed to relieve them" he says as he gets his shoes on and holds the door for me.

I just nod. I was really hoping this was all just a bad dream.

We get down to the lobby, and it's crowded. Surprisingly, I recognize everyone. I'm confused.

Diego's wife comes up to me and gives me a hug. "You're here!!!" I say, kissing her. She nods.

"Chief booked all of the men's families a room here, and he already paid for all of the rooms through the week" she says, crying.

"So the hotel is filled with firehouse family?" I ask.

She nods.

That brings tears to my eyes. Not only did my beautiful man take care of us completely, he not only took care of, but paid for his men's families. On top of talking to the Mayor and evacuating an entire town. He never ceases to amaze me.

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