~167~ Knee Surgery

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Ellie's POV

Emma goes upstairs and it's dead silent for a minute.

"Trace" Wes says darkly.

"Don't" Trace snaps. Trace NEVER snaps at Wes. Wes is a lot more strict than we are. Our kids have attitudes with us a lot. A lot of the time we let them
without any repercussions. Adults have attitudes with one another sometimes, so children should be allowed to be in a bad mood once in awhile too.

We try hard not to hold impossible standards.

Wes doesn't let much slide. I'm just waiting for him to fly off the handle for the attitude Trace just had with him.

To my shock, he doesn't. He just sighs and shakes his head.

"You deserved that. I'm so damn proud of her" Wes says, going back to watching the game

Trace slams his book shut and pinches the bridge of his nose for a minute. Then he stands up and gets a soda out of the fridge.

I've got to get off of my knee. It's killing me. I hobble over with my dang crutches and sit next to Mason, putting my foot on the other chair. Suddenly my phone rings. I answer it, and it's what I was expecting. I steal a piece of paper from Trace and grab Mason's pen that he has in his mouth, and write down the information I need to.

I hang up and put my head in my arms. I stay like that for a long minute. Suddenly I feel Taylor's hands cupping the sides of my head. I look up and his eyes are burning with questions. Questions he already knows the answers too.

"My ACL. Surgery is next week" I say, letting tears fall. This will take months of rehab. I might not be able to kick-box for a long time. Now I'm really going to gain my menopause weight. This sucks.

He sighs and brings me into him and let's me cry.

"Man this sucks. The recovery is awful" I say, burying my head in his shoulder.

He kisses my cheek. "The physical therapist at Jake's gym is amazing. She got me back to 100 percent after my accident a lot quicker than expected. I'm here every step of the way, hear me?" He asks, wiping my tears with the back of his hand.

I just nod and sniff. This is stupid.

"Use it to your advantage Freeman" Wes yells from the living room.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Make everyone cleaning charts. Be a freaking dictator" he chuckles.

"Thanks man" Taylor says with a teasing smile.

"When is the surgery?" He asks.

"Next Tuesday at 8 am"

He nods. "Wes, can you be Chief that shift?" Taylor asks.

"If I have to be" Wes chuckles.

He kisses my head.

"Ok, I'm cooking tonight. What should I make, Pizza Hut or Jimmy Johns?" He smirks.

Luke shakes his head. "Mexican Food from Tequilas" he says.

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