~42~ Freaking Lunatic

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Ellie's POV

Everyone is gone and I'm home by myself. This is a luxury. I cannot even tell you how long it's been since I've had a few hours to myself.

Liam and Savannah are staying with Alex for the night. Alex has been feeling like he doesn't know Savannah well enough. She isn't comfortable staying there by herself, so they are having a little sleepover tonight.

Sasha is staying the night at Hannah's, and Luke is staying at Trace's house tonight. Emma is even staying the night at her friend Olivia's house. Somehow, the stars aligned, and Taylor had a poker night planned for tonight too. That means only one thing......time alone, baby!!!!!

I order a huge pizza with extra breadsticks, and I watch an entire movie by myself, uninterrupted, while stuffing my face with junk. It's amazing.

Then, I take a long, hot shower in my huge claw-foot bathtub. I don't get out of the tub until the water starts to get cold after reheating it twice.

By the time I get out, I'm feeling glorious. Amazing. I have gone three hours without someone asking me for something. A girl could get used to this.

I go downstairs and decide to make myself a milkshake. Why not?

As I'm pouring the milk, a hand grabs me roughly. There shouldn't be anyone in this house. I immediately go into instinct mode. I don't even see who it is, I just spin around and knee the perp in the groin.

Immediately they let go and yell in pain. Once my brain is able to register, I see who it is. It's Taylor.

He's now holding himself, with his knees on the ground, groaning in pain.

He can't even talk for a moment, his pain is so intense.

I bend down to his level "I'm so sorry" I say as I cup his face in my hand.

"What the hell?" He's finally able to get out. I really think he's going to puke.

He then lays down on the floor, still holding himself. If he wasn't in so much pain, this would be funny.

"I think you just broke it" he says after another minute of groaning.

"Are you ok?" I ask, once I know for sure I won't start laughing.

"No. He says as he rolls on his side, and attempts to sit up.

"Good thing we are done having kids. This just made me sterile" he says, still dying.

"I'm really sorry. Are you ok?" I ask, putting my hand on his knee.

"No. Can a penis be broken?" He asks seriously.

That's when I start laughing. I can't help myself.

"This is not even close to being funny" he snaps.

"I'm sorry" I say as I cover my mouth.

"It's rare, but yeah... I guess it could be fractured. That usually only happens if....well, it's probably not" I say, still trying not to chuckle.

He looks at me, unconvinced.

"Would you like me to check?" I ask, still smirking.

"Would I like you to check to see if you broke it? No......" he says darkly, not happy.

"What were you even doing?" I ask him

He sighs. "I got to thinking about how you were in this big house all alone, and I was a fool to be sitting there with a group of guys, and not getting familiar with my wife. So I left. I shoulda just stayed. I forgot that you're a freaking lunatic" he says, shaking his head annoyed.

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