~30~ Arsenal

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Luke's POV

Things at the house have been weird these last couple of months. What's really weird, is that I've been able to get away with quite a bit. Mom and dad have been so preoccupied with everything that we're slipping through the cracks. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.

I go downstairs after school and get a drink.

"Wanna play a game, Savannah?" Liam asks her from the living room.

"No" she says quietly

Ever since Savannah choked a month ago, Liam has been trying to be an actual dad to her. Savannah just isn't interested. It's really starting to hurt his feelings.

As I'm drinking a soda, I notice only Savannah, Liam, and Emma are in the living room. Mom and Sasha aren't around.

I suddenly notice that dad has left the small room that's attached to the garage open. He never leaves it open. That's the only place mom will let him keep his hunting guns. Mom hates guns. She doesn't want them in the house at all.

The night dad told us he cheated, he also told us that the crazy stalker lady held mom at gun point. She hasn't been able to be near a gun since.

Normally it's locked. Hard-core locked, with several bolts. Again, mom's rule...I've never even been inside it.

Nobody is around to notice, so I go outside quickly and go in the small, side door. It leads to a small enclosed room inside of the garage.

It is awesome.

Dad has a ton of guns in here. Not just hunting guns, hard-core guns. The kinds of guns I've only ever seen in movies. Is that an AR?

I look around, taking everything in. I suddenly see a small hand gun sitting on the work bench. I go over to it and pick it up. I turn it around in my hands, surprised at how heavy it actually is.

I start raising it up, pretending like I'm trying to shoot at the calendar dad has on the wall. For it being such a cool space, I'm irritated it isn't a naked lady calendar. What kind of a man cave has a calendar of a meadow? My dad is lame.

I go to pretend to shoot, and somehow, I actually shoot. I barely touched the trigger, and it goes off. Dad must not have put the safety on. I literally just shot a hole into the wall.

Oh crap!

Mom comes out then, hearing the noise. When she sees me holding the gun, with it pointed at her, her face goes completely white. She looks like she's about to have a panic attack.

I put the gun down quickly. "Mom, I'm so sorry" I say as I start walking over to her.

She says nothing as she grips her hand around the back of my neck and yanks me out the door. She walks silently, gripping her fingers tighter around the back of my neck, until we get inside. She walks us into the living room, past Emma, Liam, and Savannah's confused faces.

She then shoves me roughly into the corner, making my nose smash against the drywall.

"Don't move" she hisses as she leaves. I can hear her stomping into the kitchen.

Then I hear her talking on the phone.

"Where are you?" She snaps. She listens for a second.

"Tell Wes you can't. Come home now" she says, barely holding it together.

"No. I'm not ok. Get home now" she says as she slams her phone down on the counter.

Yup, I'm dead. Dad had a poker night planned tonight with some guys.

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