~151~ You're difficult

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Sasha's POV

We're upstairs in our "apartment" watching TV. I'm trying to get my History paper done, but it's giving me fits. Mason glances over and sees me frowning.

"What's wrong, Sash?" He asks, stroking my hair.

"I'm having issues with this paper" I say, getting annoyed.

He chuckles. "Want some help?" He asks, flashing me his radiant smile. I'm the only one who gets to see this smile, and every time he flashes it, it sends a pool of warmth to my belly.

"You could do it for me" I smile back at him. I pretend like I'm teasing, but I'm not. He could crank this baby out in a half hour probably. He's a smarty-pants at this stuff.

He shakes his head and chuckles. "No way. Can I take a look at it?" He asks.

I nod and give him my computer. He reads the paper for a couple minutes, and the crease in his brow is getting deeper and deeper. Finally he looks at me.

"When is this due?" He asks.

"Two days" I say, getting stressed

He doesn't say anything as he goes back through the paper.

"What's wrong?" I ask, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

He shakes his head and sighs. "Sash, you're going to be lucky to get a D on this paper" he says, disgusted.

"What?!? I've been working on this for days" I say, getting offended.

"Half of your information isn't even right. Marbury vs. Madison was in 1803. You have 1789...1789 was the Judiciary Act. Did you even research this?" He asks, in full-on teacher mode.

"You don't need to be nasty" I snap as I rip the computer out of his hands.

"I'm not being nasty. I'm telling you that this is a failing paper" he says, matter-of-fact.

"I don't have time to redo this. I still have an English paper that's due in a few days" I say, getting overwhelmed.

He says nothing, but I can tell he isn't happy.

"I don't understand why you're mad at me? I've worked my ass off on this paper" I say, getting up and getting a water out of the mini fridge.

"I'm not mad" he says, looking at me like I'm crazy.

"You have an attitude" I snap.

"I just don't understand how you can have the dates so wrong. Not only that, but you got the most important information wrong" he says, raising his voice.

"Like what?" I ask, going back through my paper.

He sighs and rolls his eyes. "You said that Madison won. Sasha, the court ruled in favor of Marbury...He had a right to his commission. They ruled the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional" he says, getting mad.

"This stuff is so confusing. How am I supposed to know that?" I scoff.

Now he's really getting mad. "You did a paper on it in my class your sophomore year" he says, getting exasperated. "Not only that, but if you would have researched for ten minutes you would have seen this. Did you just throw this together so I would take over and do it for you?" He asks, glaring at me.

I suddenly feel tears burning the back of my eyes.

"Oh, I see. You're smart, I'm dumb. You're the adult, I'm the kid. I kinda thought we were equal, but guess I'm wrong. You really think that little of me? I have been pulling all-nighters, at least twice a week, for a month now. Not only that, but I'm responsible for choreographing two dances this semester. Tack on the fact that I've been sicker than a dog and completely exhausted growing your child, I'm sorry that I let something slide. Don't worry, Mr. West...I don't need your help." I say as I take my computer and go into our room, slamming the door. I sit on the bed and let the tears fall. I didn't deserve that.

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