~38~ Sick of It

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Taylor's POV

I'm lying on the couch, trying to doze, when my phone goes off. It's the school. It must be Ellie.

"Hey baby girl" I say as I sit up.

"Ummm. I'm sorry. This is Lance Mills" the principal says awkwardly.

I chuckle. "I'm sorry sir. What can I do for you?" I ask, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry to bother you on your day off, but I'm going to have to ask you to come down here. Luke is in trouble" he says. He actually sounds like he feels bad.

I sigh. Great. This is what we both need right now. "Ok. I'll be right down" I say as I stand up and get my shoes on.

"Thanks Taylor. We will see you in a few" he says as he hangs up.

This is stupid.

I get to the school and I have a knot in my stomach. I'm nervous.

I get to Principal Mills' office and I knock on the opened door. I immediately see him siting at his desk and Luke sitting in a chair across from him. Luke looks upset, Lance does not look happy.

Principal Mills looks up and waves me in.

"You got here quick" he says as he gives me a smile.

I go and sit down and look hard at Luke. He won't even look at me.

"Look at me" I say, my voice is dark.

He immediately looks at me, and I can tell he wants to look away.

"What did you do?" I ask him. I'm already pissed.

He sighs and looks at Mills. "Why couldn't you have just walked across the hall and gotten my mom. I don't want to talk to him" he snaps.

"I'm sorry, sir. My son and I are in a fight at the moment. You're talking to your principal. Lose your attitude" I snap back.

"See, this sounds an awful lot like you trying to be my dad. Thought you renounced that title" he says, slamming back in his chair.

I sigh and shake my head.

"I'm sorry sir, what did he do?" I ask, looking at Lance. I really can't stand this guy. He's got a huge thing for my wife. The thing that bothers me is that he's ten years younger than me, and a good looking guy. It wouldn't take much for Ellie to find him attractive.

Lance has been silently watching this entire thing. He's shocked at how we're acting with one another.

Suddenly Ellie pops in. "Sorry. I finally got a minute" she says as she squeezes my shoulder and sits down in the middle seat. Lance's eyes immediately light up.

"What did you do?" She asks, cutting right to the chase. Luke looks at her and immediately starts talking. "I broke a computer" he says simply.

"How?" She asks, not happy.


"Lucas Reed... I'm not asking again" she threatens.

"I got mad and I threw it on the floor" he says, looking at his hands.

"Got mad at what?" She asks, her voice is deadly.

"The teacher made me mad" he says, still looking at his hands.

"Was anyone hurt?" She asks, looking at Lance

He shakes his head. "No. But he threw it hard.
I can't believe it didn't hit anybody" he says, not happy.

"He's suspended for 4 days. Then he's got Saturday detention for a month. I know it's a lot, but the room was filled with kids. This could have been bad" he says, looking only at Ellie. He's totally hung up on her. That pisses me off.

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