~41~ Play Dough

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Sasha's POV

I get home from school and I'm bummed. I curled my hair and had on an adorable off-the-shoulder sweater on. I looked good. Mr. West wouldn't even look at me. He's avoided my gaze ever since mom and dad had a meeting with him. I used to at least catch him staring. Now he just acts like I'm invisible.

One time before mom had that meeting, I went up to him after school to "ask for homework help." He got super flustered, and started stammering. It was adorable. I dropped a few subtle hints that I was interested, and he totally blew me off. It's really starting to bother me.

I'm in my room, trying to stalk Mr. West on Instagram, when I hear a knock on the door. Emma is on her bed, and mom went to the grocery store with Savannah. Who could it be?

"Come in" Emma says. I'm so sick of her always telling people to come into my room.

Luke pops his head in awkwardly. Oh. It's Luke. He must be here for Emma. I don't even acknowledge him. He has really hurt my feelings.

"Emmy, can I ask you to leave for a couple minutes, please? I wanna talk to Sasha" he says quietly.

Great. He's going in for round 3.

"Sure" she says as she gets up and leaves, shutting the door.

He stands there awkwardly for a minute. I still haven't looked up from my phone.

Then he sighs and comes over to sit on the edge of my bed.

"Can we talk?" He asks quietly.

I sigh and put my phone down. "About what Luke? I don't feel like getting insulted today. Maybe tomorrow?" I ask sweetly.

"I'm sorry, Sasha" he says, looking at me hard.

I don't think I've ever heard him apologize to me before.

"What I said to you was awful. I didn't mean any of it. I was pissed" he says, giving me a small smile.

"Will you please forgive me?" He asks, nervously.

I nod and smile back. "I'm sorry I pushed you. Did Trace get hurt?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "No. He's fine" he says.

I just nod.

"Why did you snap like that?" He asks, seriously.

I sigh. "I was having the worst cramps of my life, and I was in the worst mood ever."

He chuckles and rolls his eyes. "That's it? Dad and I quit talking and I blew up on you, got myself paddled, and then smashed a computer, all because you were on your period?"

"Yup" I say, smiling sweetly.

"Why couldn't dad have just said that?" He asks, annoyed.

"Because he's dad. He's always trying to protect us" I say. I honestly think we have the best dad.

He just nods. "Yeah, I get it" he says. Then he leans over and gives me a hug and kisses my cheek.

"I really am sorry. Nobody at school ever talks bad about you. I was just trying to make you feel bad" he says with the same crooked smile that dad has.

I chuckle "you're such a loser" I say as I mock push him.

"Yeah" he says, chuckling.

"So you're still in trouble over the computer?" I ask, sadly.

"Oh yeah. I get the paddle again tomorrow" he says, rolling his eyes.

"That sucks" I say.

"Tell me about it. The paddle is so much worse than the belt. I'd rather dad just do it."

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