~28~ Step Up

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Liam's POV

I'm tired. I haven't truly slept since I've found out about her. These last couple days have been hard.

When we get in the house, mom gives her a tour. Savannah says nothing. Once they go into a different room, Taylor pulls me into a hug. "You're doing awesome, buddy" he whispers. I just nod silently. I'm not doing awesome. This girl wants nothing to do with me.

We've decided to keep the teens at Lilah's for a couple of hours, so Savannah can settle in a little easier. Dad and Taylor go out to the garage, to try and give her more space. Savannah hasn't left mom's side. I'm suddenly so grateful Taylor invited us to live here. There's no way I could have taken her home with me. She needs to be with mom right now.

After the twins get home, dad leaves. He pulls me into his arms and gives me a kiss. "I'm so proud of you kid. You've got this" he says as he kisses me again and silently leaves.

The kids just stare at her, not knowing exactly what to do. Suddenly Emma goes up to her and sits on the floor next to her.

"I'm Emma" she says quietly. Savannah immediately relaxes. There's just something about Emma. You immediately like her.

The rest of the evening is quiet. We're watching her; She's watching TV. Suddenly Emma comes down the stairs.

"Ellie told me you like Barbies. They were my favorite too. I have a bunch. Would you like them?" She asks, opening up an entire tote full of hundreds of Barbies.

Savannah's eyes get huge as she stares at the mound of toys.

She silently nods as she gently lifts one up, inspecting it.

"Ah I forgot about those. You used to make me play for hours. Savannah, can I show you my favorite? Taylor bought me a boy Barbie, so I didn't feel so bad about playing with them" Luke says with his goofy grin.

Savannah nods, her eyes curious.

He roots through, until he finds the one he wants.

"This one is pretty cool. He's the only guy surrounded by all these girls. He's tough" he says, chuckling a little.

"You can play with him" Savannah says in a small voice.

"Sweet!" Luke says, pretending to be excited. Mom and Taylor just smile at him. They're proud of him.

Why is it so easy for everybody else to talk to her? I'm just sitting here on the couch like an idiot.

It's around 9, and I look at mom.

"I don't know what to do, mom. Do I tell her it's time for bed? Do I wait until she tells me when she's tired?" I ask, whispering.

Mom whispers back, squeezing my hand. "She's eight, buddy. You need to tell her" she says gently.
There wasn't any irritation in her voice. She gets it.

I just look at her and nod.

"When they were playing Barbies, I unpacked her stuff. Her pajamas are in the top drawer" she says.

That was her way of nicely telling me I have to step up. She's not doing this all for me.

I just nod and get up.

I go over to where she is on the couch with Emma.

"Time for bed, girly. Come on. I'll show you where your stuff is." I say, smiling at her.

She gives me a hard look. She says nothing as she gets up, waiting for me to start walking.

We go upstairs and I open the top drawer. "Which pajamas do you want tonight?" I ask, looking at her.

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