~142~ Toddlers to Morons

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Ellie's POV

Taylor comes into the bedroom about twenty minutes later and I'm in the bathtub. The moment he sees me in the tub his eyes widen. I love that after all of these years, I still turn him on.

He comes in and sits on the closed toilet.

"Are we in a fight or a disagreement?" He asks carefully.

I glare at him and sigh. "A disagreement" I finally say.

He nods his head slowly. "I'm not going to spank him, Ellie. There's far worse things he could be doing" he says seriously.

"And I disagree with that" I say, laying my head back and letting the warm water soak my hair.

"Since we're not in a fight, any chance I can join you?"

I just nod. He smiles and quickly strips down. He still turns me on too. Who the heck still has abs like that at 50? It makes no sense. He could honestly pass for 35. He just isn't aging. Our neighbor has been crushing on him for years, and it's starting to irritate me.

He climbs in the tub and holds me close. I can feel him on my thigh. I love how his naked body feels against mine.

He nuzzles into my neck and kisses me softly.

"I don't want to be having a disagreement" he whispers.

"Well we are" I say, laying my head on his chest.

"How can we fix it?"

"You can get him in trouble for tonight"

He just shakes his head. He's not going to do it and I know it.

The next day at work we're eating lunch when I start drilling people.

"Nick, how are Trace and Luke in PE?" I ask.

He stops eating and looks at me. "What do you mean?"

"How big of imbeciles are they? On a scale between toddlers to morons, where do they fall?"

Mason literally spits out the water he was drinking and starts choking.

"It just went up my nose" he laughs as he tries to clean up mess he just made.

Nick is laughing, but trying to stay professional.
"Well, um, I'd say morons most days."

"How were they today?"

Nick snorts. "Well, Trace put two tennis balls in his shirt and pretended to have...well...then Luke came up and pretended to grope him" he says, still laughing.

"Fantastic" I groan. "Anything else today?"

Nick chuckles again.

"Then Luke put the two tennis balls in his pants, and said that he wished the balls were blue" Nick says, embarrassed.

Missy and Lana roll their eyes, while Mason, Nick, and Lance all laugh.

"Fantastic" I say, embarrassed.

"Can't you separate them?"

Nick nods.

"I do all the time. They're like magnets though, they just find their way back to each other."

"Mason?" I ask, looking at him.

He chuckles. "Last week I had to make them move desks and put them as far away from each other as possible. They were too distracting."

"I'm getting sick of this. They just destroyed my kitchen last night. Taylor thinks it's just innocent and they will grow up eventually. I'm ready to kill them" I say, taking a bite of my salad.

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