~98~ Mouse

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Ellie's POV

I'm heading to Lance's office to give him my logs from yesterday. "Hey boss!"

"Hey Ellie" he says, acting funny.

"What's wrong?"

"I've got 8 freaking kittens I've got to get rid of."

"What?!?" I chuckle.

He gets out his phone and hands it to me.

"My cat got out and came back pregnant" he says. "She doesn't have just one baby, oh no, she had to have 8!"

"Oh my gosh, Lance.... this little Calico one, I NEED IT!!!" I say, inwardly screaming.

"Good! It's yours"

"Taylor will never let me have it" I pout.

"Dang. I've got to get rid of these things. Missy is taking one. I think Jerry is taking another. I'll keep the Calico one aside if you wanna talk to him" he says with a smirk.

"I'm going to have to pull out all of my best moves. He hates cats"

"Send me that picture. I've just gotta have her" I say, looking at the picture again.

Lance chuckles and texts me the picture. "That one is a girl. She's actually my favorite. She's a sweet little thing. I hope you get to keep her" he says as he looks over my logs.

"I'm going to do my best, boss" I say, smirking.

"Is there something else wrong? You're kinda cranky" I say with a gentle smile.

"Lisa. She doesn't want to end things. I'm just not into her. I never realized I was such a schmuck, but I just can't end it with her."

"Come on, boss. I'll buy your lunch today" I say, standing up.

He puts his phone in his pocket and walks towards the door. We walk down the hall silently, and he's still quiet when we get into the lunchroom.

"What'll it be, friend" I ask. He smiles and gets his lunch. "You don't need to buy my lunch. I'm good. Just take that kitten" he says with a small smile.

"I'm on it" I salute him seriously. He shakes his head and goes to pay for his lunch.

When I get to the table, I sit next to Lance. Lunch is going well, when suddenly Lisa storms in.

"You can't even answer a damn text? What is wrong with you?" She asks, throwing her phone at him.

"What are you doing?" Lance asks her, getting mad.

"I don't get it. We were having fun. Then suddenly you decide that you're not into it anymore?" She asks, starting to yell.

This table is cursed. People always make their grand appearances during lunch. Thankfully it's not me this time causing the attention.

"Ok, first of all this isn't the time or the place. You are out of line. I have been telling you for two months that I've wanted to end things, and you've been arguing with me. What more are you wanting from me? Regardless, here at this school, I am your boss. You don't ever throw your phone at me again. I will come by your office after school and talk about this more" he says darkly.

"Don't bother. For the record, Lance, you're mediocre, at best, in the bedroom" she says, grabbing her phone and leaving.

He chuckles darkly and shakes his head. "Sorry guys" he says embarrassed.

"If you were that mediocre, she wouldn't have been begging you to stay with her for two months" Mason mutters under his breath.

Nick nods and points at Mason. "My thoughts exactly, she was just trying to embarrass you" he says, rolling his eyes.

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