~55~ Date

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Taylor's POV

Thankfully it's been a quiet shift today. Last shift we had 10 calls. I was wiped the entire next day. The guys are all hanging out in the common room, and I go and get myself some coffee. I take my cup and sit next to Greene.

"Finally made it out of your office, huh?" He asks with a smirk.

"The paperwork is insane. Why didn't anybody ever tell me that before I took this job?" I asked rolling my eyes.

Greene laughs. "Preston, I tried to warn you" he says.

I look over and see Nora and Liam talking at a table. Liam has his goofy smile happening, and Nora is basically putty.

"Uh oh" I say quietly as I take a sip of coffee. Greene looks over to see what I'm looking at.

He chuckles. "He's resisting hard. I don't know. He might actually break the cycle" he says.

"Nah. These paramedics man, they're magical" I say, taking another sip.

"Well thank you, sir. Didn't realize I was magical" Drake jokes. I didn't realize he was right there.

I start laughing. "Let me rephrase....how do I rephrase without getting into trouble?" I ask Greene.

He shakes his head.

"You can't. You are magical, Wilson" Greene says, rolling his eyes.

"Appreciate it, Captain" he says, laughing.

The next morning we get home. It's Saturday, so everybody is home.

"DADDY!!" Savannah yells, running into Liam's arms.

"There's my girl" he says, giving her a ton of kisses.

"Were you a good girl?" He asks, smiling his dorky smile at her.

"Nope. Grandma says I need spanked" she answers honestly. Unfazed.

I chuckle loudly before I can help myself. She is the coolest little girl. She acts older than 8. She's not whiney. She tells it like it is.

"What did you do?" Liam asks, his tone immediately changing.

"I was just trying to prank him" she says, crossing her arms.

"Who?" Liam asks, confused.

"Luke" she says quietly.

"What did you do?" He asks again.

"Put a tack on his chair. He sat down. He yelled really loud" she says, chuckling.

I lost it. I laugh so loudly that Luke comes out of the kitchen.

"I know you couldn't possibly find that funny, dad. Mom had to help me get the tack out of my ass" he says, furious.

I'm crying. Literal tears. Even Liam is having a hard time not laughing.

"See. Told ya you were just being a big baby. It was funny" she says, looking at me with a smug smile.

Have you ever tried to quit laughing? It's not as easy as you would think.

"Savannah, grandpa shouldn't be laughing. It wasn't funny" Liam says, back under control again.

"Pranks are supposed to be funny. They're not supposed to hurt people. You hurt Luke. Go upstairs, I'll be up in a minute" he says sadly. He hates spanking that girl. I think this is only the third time he's done it.

"You really have to spank me? I was just trying to pull a good prank" She says, bummed.

"Oh, I'm the master of good pranks. Trust me, young grasshopper, I will teach you my ways....but yeah, kid. You can't hurt people. Upstairs. Now" he says in an authoritative tone.

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