~196~ Handy-man

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Ellie's POV

It's a Saturday, and Taylor isn't on shift. Like the amazingly understanding and caring wife that I am, I have a huge list of things for him to do for me today. He's not going to be thrilled.

He's downstairs drinking coffee and looking at his phone when I come downstairs.

"Morning beautiful" he says, putting his phone down and kissing me softly.

"Morning handsome" I say, biting his lip a little.

He immediately gets excited. "Wanna get frisky?!?"

"No, not right now" I smirk, swatting his leg.

He immediately pouts a little. "Young lady, teasing isn't a nice thing for a wife to do."

I chuckle as I open the fridge and pour myself some orange juice. "Well, if you're mad about that, you're really not going to be happy."

"Why's that?" He chuckles.

"I made a honey-do list for you today" I say, taking a sip.

"Ellie, it's Saturday"


"It's the first weekend I've had off in three weeks."

"Taylor, I NEVER ask you to do anything around here. There are things that have got to get done, and you never do them during the week."

"I don't appreciate that. You're insinuating that I just sit on my ass all day."

I roll my eyes and hand him my list. He looks over it, and gets even angrier.

"This will take me all day, Ellie" he says, shoving the paper away roughly.

"Yeah, and I have an entire day of laundry, bills, and cooking for the meal-train for one of the people who lost their home. I don't get to enjoy my Saturday either."

He nods. "So because you're busy you want me to be busy too? Real nice" he says, slamming his phone down.

"I've been asking for two months for you to fix that railing. It's going to break one of these days and someone is going to get hurt. That's just one thing.
This house is falling apart" I snap.

He rolls his eyes. "No, you're just too anal about everything."

"So you won't do any of it?" I ask, really getting mad.

"I won't do all of it, no. I'll do a few of the things on the list when Wes, Alex, and I get back."

"Where are you going?"

"We're meeting Liam and going to the Riverfront to play basketball."

"We have a basketball court here" I say, annoyed. This will be an all-day outing.

"Stop" he says darkly.

I roll my eyes and get started on my day.

Taylor leaves around 9, and he's gone until about 3....I'm officially pissed.

As soon as he gets in, he takes a shower. When he comes down, he finds me. "Alright, give me the list."

"Don't worry about it" I snap.

"Knock it off and give me the list" he says, getting mad again.

"I already called a handy-man. He will be here tomorrow."

"You hired someone? To come here on the weekend? That's going to cost triple, Eleanor."

"How much did you spend today?" I ask.

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