~73~ Brother

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Sasha's POV

As Liam and I are having a stare-down, Lucas and Trace walk into the room, and grab some cereal.

Liam is eerily silent as he stares at me.

"Are you having trouble processing? It's not even early. You slept in until 10" he says, getting frustrated.

"I'm not going upstairs" I say, getting a bowl from the counter and pouring my cereal. He just glares at me and takes another sip of his coffee. Then he gets up and goes to the pantry, grabbing some mini donuts.

He sits down and eats a couple, trying to fight Luke and Trace for the last few.

"Back off you vultures....Donuts were my idea" he says with his goofy grin, stuffing two in his mouth to be a jerk.

Luke gets a few out of the bag and throws one to Trace.

"Sharing is caring, bro" Luke says, putting a donut in his mouth.

Liam just snorts and tosses the bag with the last few remaining donuts to Trace.

His attention finally goes back to me. I'm just silently eating my cereal, trying to act like I'm not uncomfortable.

"Once you're done with breakfast you're going upstairs" he says seriously as he goes to rinse out his mug.

"No, Liam, I'm not. I'm going for a run" I say as I shovel another bite into my mouth.

"No, you're not. You're grounded, remember?" He asks, totally at ease.

"You can't keep me from exercising, Liam" I snap.

"No, not here I can't. But yeah, I can stop you from leaving this house. Wanna try?" He asks, giving me an evil smirk.

"Yeah, I plan to" I mutter under my breath.

He chuckles darkly and rolls his eyes. "This is gonna be a fun day" he mutters.

"Where's Savannah?" Luke asks, looking around.

Liam chuckles. "My dad has her for the day. I had a feeling I'd be fighting with our sister all damn day and I didn't want Savannah around for that. Lilah is taking her and Colton to the pool" he says, smiling at Luke.

"Passing your daughter off on other people...Why does that not surprise me" I say taking another bite of cereal.

Liam says nothing, but I know I'm just digging my self into a deeper grave. His posture is now stiff.

"Woah. Sasha, I'd quit if I were you. I've literally never seen that vein in Liam's head pop out before" Luke says, shocked.

"Oh, trust me, Lukie, even if she stopped now it wouldn't help her case" Liam says darkly.

I finish my cereal and rinse my bowl out in the sink. Then I sit back at the bar with an antagonizing smile. Almost daring him.

"You ready?" He asks me after a second.

"For what?" I ask innocently.

"Your spanking" he says, totally at ease.

"Yeah, um, no. It's not happening" I say, putting my elbows on the counter and glaring at him.

"What is your problem? I have literally done nothing. You have gone wherever you wanted, done whatever you wanted, and been a complete brat. Why am I the bad guy? You were being disrespectful, you got yourself grounded, and then you ran out of the house" he says. He actually sounds more upset than mad at the moment.

"Because I don't like you" I say seriously.

That hurt his feelings.

"Why would you even say such a thing?" He asks, trying to act like he's not devastated right now.

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