~21~ Actually Strong

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Luke's POV

Once Emma goes upstairs, I try again.

"Momma, please" I say, staring at her with my tear-soaked face. "She never does anything wrong. Please" I beg.

Mom looks at me for a second, and I can tell she's wavering. She looks up at dad, and gives him a pleading look.

"Tay..." she says, softly.

"No, Ellie. I want to do this even less than you do. If we don't do this, how is that going to look with the other two? Both of them would have gotten it, and hard" he says quietly.

"I promise you that I'll never throw it in your face. Please don't spank her" I continue to beg.

Dad just shakes his head. "It's not even that, Luke. She messed up. There's consequences when you mess up. She's not getting out of this. You ready?" He asks as he squeezes mom's hand. She just silently nods. They walk upstairs and I hear the door quietly close.

I sit here and continue to cry. She doesn't deserve this. She was a wreck all week about this test. She just panicked. She doesn't deserve this. After a minute, I text Trace.

*they're up there now, man. It hasn't started yet, but it will soon.

He starts texting right away.

*damn. I really thought they would give her a warning.

*Nope. I tried everything.

*I'm sorry. I really thought that they would believe we did it.

*shit. It's starting. Im gonna puke.


*no. hand

*well, it could be worse. Maybe he will go easy on her.



Emma's POV

As dad stands up, my stomach drops. I always hear everything when the other two get spanked. The walls are thin. But it's one thing to hear it, and another thing to be in it. I wish I was the one hearing it again.

Dad gently grabs my wrist and pulls me up to standing. Then he takes my place on the bed. I expect him to put me right over his knee, but he just holds my wrist for a moment, looking at me hard. "I understand that this is basically your first one, but it's going to suck, girly. You really messed up. I'm sorry" he says, his voice cracking on the word sorry.

I just nod. I'm too afraid to say anything.

He looks at mom for a second, before he sighs and pulls me gently across his knee. I'm across his left knee, and I notice instantly that he shifts his leg, so he's bracing himself more. He must not have to brace himself with Sasha. It must have surprised him how heavy I really am. I know I'm a lot heavier than her. This is already humiliating.

Once dad gets me how he wants, he takes his left arm and wraps it around me, pulling me tighter into his stomach. He takes his elbow, and gently pushes me down further, so my butt is sticking up more. I just put my face into the comforter, and wait. I already feel the tears burning. The lump is already in the back of my throat.

He rests his right hand on my thigh for just a second. He must be trying to force himself to start.

I suddenly feel a hard smack on my right cheek. The sting of it surprises me, and I immediately jerk up. Dad pauses for just a second, and takes his hand off of me so he can talk. "You don't know the rules. You've never needed to. Do not lift up. You lay here and you take the spanking. Do not kick. Do not put your hands back. If you do any of these things, you get extra. Am I clear?" He asks sternly.

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