~109~ Author's Note

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Hi guys!

I'm actually pretty nervous to post this note, but I feel like I need to. My next storyline I have been putting off for a while now. I never give away my storylines, because I want them to be fun and keep you on your toes 😜

However, I will be sharing the storyline with you this time. I feel like this could cause some people stress, and I'm not interested in triggering anyone. My next storyline is about an intruder in the school. I will be going back and forth in several point of views. How long I will stay here I have no clue. I will write until I get bored, or feel like it's completed.

Please understand that this is just a story, and I'm not interested in stressing anyone out. For every chapter that is following this storyline, I will put asterisks (***) around the title. If you feel like you don't want to read it, or can't, then please just skip them, and we will see you when it's over!

Thanks for all of the love. I would have quit these stories ages ago if people were being nasty or were uninterested. All of the kind comments have not only shocked me, but have meant so much.

Stay safe, and I hope you enjoy this next storyline...Otherwise, we will catch up with you in a bit ❤️



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