***~190~ You Got Me Through***

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Ellie's POV

Around 11pm, Jake and Sarah come in the room and go to bed. Jake silently kisses my head as he climbs in bed. Taylor is still sleeping soundly; I haven't left his side since he went to sleep. Liam and Nora came up around 3pm and they have been sleeping ever since too. They are on the pull-out couch in our room. Around 8pm, Lilah and Alex brought Savannah to the room, and she instantly climbed in the middle between Liam and Nora and went to sleep.

Even though Liam was sleeping, as soon as Savvy nuzzled in, he put his arm around her and brought her close to him. It brought tears to my eyes. I was so close to losing half of my family. Around 11:30 pm, Taylor starts to stir.

He opens his eyes, and immediately locks eyes on me. There's a nightlight in the room, so I can still see him.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close, kissing me deeply. We lay like that for a long time.

"Let's go get you some food, Chief" I say, kissing his cheek.

He just nods as he gets out of bed. We quietly grab a key off the TV stand and leave.

We hold hands silently as we walk to the lobby. As soon as the girl at the desk sees us, she gives us a warm smile.

"You got some sleep?" She asks Taylor.

He smirks at her. "Yes ma'am"

She nods. "The owner of the hotel is buying all of your meals for you and all of your men and families for the remainder of the time you're here. Where would you like me to order your food from, sir?"

Taylor is stunned. He shakes his head a little, and clears his throat. "That's extremely kind. I don't know what to say."

She chuckles. "You could say a restaurant" she says with a gentle smile.

He chuckles and nods, looking at me. "I would love a pizza" he smiles.

I just nod.

The lady calls our order in and we go sit on the couch.

"How did she know who I was?" He asks me quietly.

"We watched you on TV constantly. She has been working every night. She's been wonderful" I whisper.

He just nods as he pulls me close to him.

"Did you get any sleep?" He asks me.

I nod. "I slept all afternoon with you" I say, kissing his cheek.

He kisses my temple and we just sit quietly for a while.

"Where's your head, Chief?" I ask him after a while.

He shakes his head, saying nothing.

"Tell me" I say gently.

His eyes fill with tears. "Diego" he says, starting to cry.

I nod. Diego has been on my mind constantly.

"There's something else, what is it?" I ask, looking at him hard.

He sighs loudly and takes a deep breath. "Liam, Wes, Tony, and I got trapped. We had to use our fire shelters"

"WHAT?!?!?" I ask loudly, getting the attention from the workers.

I know all about fire shelters.

"You guys almost died, didn't you?" I ask, fighting the tears about to fall down.

His chin starts quivering. "It was so bad, Ellie" he whispers, crying quietly.

"Tell me" I say, squeezing his hand.

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