~75~ Road Trip

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Emma's POV

Today's the day we're leaving for our trip. Mom and dad got back a few days ago. I am SO happy they're back. We really missed them. Surprisingly, even Luke was lonely for them.

As soon as they walked in the door Luke was there giving them a huge hug.

"Hey buddy! We missed you" dad says, giving him a kiss.

"Me too" he says with a smile.

As we're getting the cars loaded, dad starts talking to Wes and mom. "Ok, can we figure out whose riding where?" He asks, trying to get things situated.

"We could do boys in one, girls in the other" mom says simply.

"No, I want there to be some men with you guys" dad says seriously.

"How about Meg, Ellie, Izzy, Lilah, Alex, Emma, and Sasha in one car...And you, me, Liam, Savanna, Trace, Luke, and Colton in the other" Wes suggests.

"Savannah will want to be with Ellie" Trace says quickly. I'm surprised he's butting in. He has never cared who rides where, as long as Luke's in the car with him.

He then speaks up again. "What about mom, Ellie, Colton, Liam, Savannah, Lilah, and Alex in one car...and you, Taylor, me, Luke, Emma, Sasha, and Izzy in the other" he says, looking at Wes.

Dad and Wes looks at each other and shrug. "Works for us" they say.

Once everyone is finally ready, we get on the road.

I go and sit next to Sasha and Izzy in the middle row, so the boys can have the back to themselves.

We haven't been driving for more than a couple of hours when the boys start goofing off.

"Trace, quit. You're giving me a headache" Izzy whines at her brother.

"Quit being a baby, Iz, this is vacation" he says, throwing a snickers bar at her head.

"Ouch. Dad, now he's throwing stuff" she says, glaring at Trace.

Wes is driving, but he looks back at Trace in the rear view mirror and glares at him.

"Trace, every stinking year we have to separate you two for being too rowdy. Can we at least get three hours in before that happens?" He asks, exasperated. Dad just chuckles.

"Dad, we weren't doing anything. Izzy is just being a baby, as usual" he says, frustrated.

"They're being loud. How hard is it to talk normally?" she asks, annoyed.

"Just lower your voice, Trace" Wes says, getting annoyed.

Trace rolls his eyes, but says nothing. I've been texting Levi back and fourth this whole time. Actually, I broke up with him last night before the trip, and he's been texting me trying to get me to change my mind. It's put me in a bad mood.

"Emma Kate, why are you being so quiet? I don't think you've said a word" dad asks, looking back at me and smiling.

"Sorry" I say simply, with a little attitude. I never have an attitude, and dad immediately catches on.

"You ok?" He asks, surprised.

"Yeah" I say, rolling my eyes and looking out the window.

"Did you want to ride with mom?" Dad asks, completely confused as to why I'm snipping at him.

"I couldn't care less where I sit" I snap.

I see dad and Wes exchange a look, and then he looks back at me.

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