~14~ Soap

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Sasha's POV

I hate the paddle. I don't know what I was thinking. I haven't had the paddle in quite a while. I wore the WRONG type of shorts. My mom is a witch. So I wore a shirt that was a little low? I'm not sleeping around. Actually, I haven't even had sex yet. That's more than I can say for her. She was a mom at my age. She's such a hypocrite.

The only reason I even wore that shirt is because there's a teacher I'm crushing on. Hard. Unfortunately, he's not interested in losing his job. I know he thinks I'm cute though. He had a hard time concentrating on the lesson today.

As I'm changing into leggings, I'm wincing. My butt is on fire. I'd rather take a spanking from dad any day. I can usually turn the water works on early, and get him to feel bad for me. Dad is a softy. He's not with Luke, though. Funny how that is.

I get downstairs and I'm still mad. I didn't deserve a spanking. Lying and conning Liam out of money? Ok, maybe. But not for this.

I go and sit down at the table. I realized too late that I should have sat down carefully. I wince in pain. Luke notices immediately and starts chuckling. "Want me to grab you a pillow?" He asks, being a little jerk.

"Shut up, asshole" I say, shoving him.

"Sasha, come here please" dad says. What now?

I walk over to where he's sitting on the barstool.

"Yeah" I say, giving him my best pouting look so he will feel sorry for me. Mom is mean.

Dad looks me hard in the eyes. Why is he mad?

"I was going to wait to have this conversation with you until after dinner, but hearing what you just said to your brother, I'm not going to" he says, glaring at me.

I say nothing. I don't know what his problem is.

"Mom just told me what you said to her upstairs. I want the three of you to listen to me, right now. Emma, Luke, put down your homework and listen to me" he says, waiting until they do.

"I have heard cracks from you two many times about your mom not working. I'm sick of it" he says, pointing to me and Luke.

"I am the one who pressured your mom into quitting her job all of those years ago. She didn't want to. Even if she did want to, so what? She has worked harder than all of us. She cooks, cleans, does the bills, does the laundry, gets the groceries, chauffeurs you three to everything, helps with homework, stays up with you all night when you're sick, everything. Just because she didn't get a physical paycheck, doesn't mean that she didn't deserve one. You three should be ashamed of yourselves. Sorry Emma. I mean you two." He says, getting madder by the second.

"I'm done with the cracks. The underlying insults. And you, young lady, what you said to her downstairs earlier I was going to punish you for. She ended up taking over so I let it be, but now, I'm mad"

He's waiting for me to say something.

"I'm sorry" I say, working to get tears to fall down. That always works.

Dad shakes his head. "Don't even start. It's not going to work on me this time. I normally go easier on you than I should, I admit that. But when you're nasty to your mom, that's when I draw the line. She has given everything up to give you three the best. You don't know how lucky you are to have gotten such an amazing mom" he is starting to yell.

"Now, your mom and I don't always agree on punishments. I'm telling you right now that mom does not agree with this. But I do. Luke, Emma, you better be listening, because this is your only warning...." he says, pausing to look at the twins at the table.

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