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Sasha's POV

I'm rushing (or should I say waddling) around trying to get ready for my evening class I have this semester. I hate having night classes, especially now. I just get so tired all of the time. I'm looking for my English book, and I can't find it.

"Babe, have you seen my English book?" I ask in a panic.

"Um, I saw it on the table earlier" he says, going to the table in our apartment and looking.

"Huh. You sure it's not in your book bag already?" He asks, going to my bag and looking in.

"I'm seriously going to be late" I say as I rush into our room to look for the third time.

Mason knocks on Josie's door.

"Josie, have you seen Sasha's English book?" Mason asks through the door.

"No" she says simply.

Mason goes to Dylan's door and asks him.

"No" he says.

He looks at me and shrugs.

I sigh in frustration. "Well I've got to go now or I'll be late. I guess I just won't have my book" I say as I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek.

I'm gone a couple hours. When I get home mom is sleeping on the couch with her head in dad's lap.

"Hey Sasha girl" dad says.

"Hey. You guys ever find my book?" I ask dad quietly.

He shakes his head. "We looked. I have no idea where it is" he says.

I just nod and go upstairs.

When I get upstairs, Dylan is sitting on the couch watching TV and Josie is still in her room. Mason is on the couch next to Dylan, but he has a funny look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask Mason.

Mason looks at me and then glares at Dylan.

"Tell her" he says darkly.

I stare at Dylan.

"I took your book. It's on the table" he says, sounding amused.

"Why?!?" I ask, getting mad.

"Because I was bored" he smirks.

"I had to stay another hour, getting certain things copied out of the book from a friend. It wasn't funny" I snap as I glare at him.

"That's one person's opinion" he chuckles as he goes to his room and shuts the door.

I stare at Mason.

"I'm sorry, Sasha. I talked to him" Mason says simply.

"You TALKED to him? That's it?!?" I ask, raising my voice.

"He won't do it again" He says simply.

I am officially mad. This isn't high school. This is college. I'm working my ass off to become a teacher...This isn't a joke to me.

"So he isn't in trouble?" I ask, crossing my arms.

Mason looks at me hard.

"I just said I talked to him" he snaps.

"Fantastic" I hiss as I grab my book and go to take a shower.

When I get out of the shower Mason is lying in bed.

I get in bed and I don't say a word.

"Why are you mad at me?" He asks softly.

"He should be in trouble for this, Mason" I say.

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