~61~ Drinking

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Emma's POV

It's been several weeks since Sasha got hurt. She did break her wrist, but it wasn't as bad of a break as mom thought it would be. She's only in a cast for a few more weeks.

I've been on several dates with Levi. I actually really like him. I'm going out this afternoon with him, and we're going bowling. Luke and Trace are outside playing basketball when I leave.

"Where you guys going?" Luke asks me as he makes a basket.

"Bowling" I say simply.

"Have fun" he says with a smile.

Trace has a weird look on his face. He doesn't look mad...He looks sad.

Levi pulls up then, and I wave bye.

When I get in, Levi immediately reaches over and kisses me. "I've missed you" he says, smiling.

"I saw you yesterday" I say, smiling back and kissing him again.

"Yeah, but being away from you is torture" he says. That's such a cheesy line, yet it makes me smile.

As he pulls away, I see Trace watching us. When we go past I see him throw the basketball down on the ground roughly. What is wrong with him?

We get to the bowling alley and we get our lane. Levi orders some food, and we start bowling.

"I've got an "in" with this place. You want a beer?" He asks with a smile.

I look at him for a minute and think about it. The old Emma would say absolutely not...However, this Emma is sick of being a goody two-shoes all of the time. I decide I want one.

"Sure" I say with a smile. He grins and goes to get the beer.

When he comes back, I take the beer and take a drink. It tastes horrible. I immediately scrunch my nose. He starts chuckling.

"Yeah, you get used to it" he says as he takes a drink of his.

We sit there and eat our food and drink our beer. I'm having the best time. Suddenly I hear a voice behind me.

"Emma Katherine...what the hell do you think you're doing?" My heart sinks. I know that voice.

I turn around and see Uncle Jake. He's on a date with his girlfriend.

"Um, hi Uncle Jake" I say with a small smile. Levi has gone pale.

"Hi" he says darkly.

"What are you doing?" He asks again.

"Um, I'm on a date" I say, giving him another small smile.

"Dates over. Let's go" he barks.

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Sorry" I say, looking at Levi.

"I'm sorry. This is my fault" he says sadly.

I get my shoes on and leave with Jake. He is finishing paying for their stuff. "Let's go" he says as he roughly grabs my arm.

We get into the truck and I sit in the back.

"Sorry I ruined your date" I say after a minute.

"Yeah, well, sorry I have to ruin your night" Jake says sadly. We've really become buddies. He doesn't want to turn me in...But he's going to.

He drives to my house in silence. When we get there, I see him grab his date's hand and squeeze it. "Would you mind staying in here? I'm dying for you to meet my sister, but she's going to be pissed. I want you to meet her when she's not" he says with a sad smile.

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